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Stocking Patterning I

Submitted by Vettoria di Gio... on October 1, 2012 - 9:11pm

Tonight Eleanor and Katherine of Glastonbury came over and patterned stockings - with duct tape! There was also quite a lot of giggling.

Eleanor led the process, having patterned using this method before. First she showed us what to do by using Katherine's leg as a model, and enlisting my help for marking in the foot patterning, then once Katherine was done, she took a turn at duct taping/patterning Eleanor's leg.

Blog classifications:

Council Minutes - 30 September 2012

Submitted by Ildhafn Seneschal on September 30, 2012 - 6:00pm

Ildhafn Council Meeting Minutes September 2012 In Attendance: Angela Wells (Seneschal), Shannon Wanty (Reeve), Eleanor Hall  (Marshal), David Robb (Webwright), Wendy Rowsell (Chatelaine), Katherine Davies (St Cath's Steward) Apologies: Chantelle Gerrard (A&S Officer), Patrick Bowman (Herald)


Meeting Opened: 7.43pm

Reports Received Online:

Practising from the CF Ball list

Submitted by Anna de Wilde on September 20, 2012 - 12:00am

The lesson plan this week was to go over some of the easier dances for Ginevra and then the dances that we do not know well from the CF ball list.

Present: Anna de Wilde, William de Cameron, Katherine of Glastonbury, Caterine de Vantier and Ginevra Isabella da Serafino Visconti.

Open hour

  • Amoroso
  • Lorrayne Almain
  • Earl of Essex Measure
  • Anello
  • Ly bens Distonys

Advanced hour

Blog classifications:

Visits, Stitches, and Discussion

Submitted by Vettoria di Gio... on September 16, 2012 - 7:01pm

Today we had Lady Ginevra Isabella da Serafino Visconti visiting from Southron Gaard. She is up visiting for just over a week, and came along to mingle with the fine company that regularly attend. Catalina took the time to show her how she works stem stitch, and they were able to chat about embroidery techniques for some time.

Blog classifications:

Some 15th Century

Submitted by Anna de Wilde on September 13, 2012 - 8:16pm

My lesson plan for this evening was 15th Century dances and a 16th century dance.  These dances are on the CF ball list.

Present: Anna de Wilde, William de Cameron, Katherine of Glastonbury and William de Wyke

  • Belfiore
  • Amoroso
  • Presonera
  • Ballo del fiore in Terzo
  • Anello
  • Alenchon
  • Spagnoletta in modo di Madriglia

I think next week we will continue with more 15th Century.

Blog classifications:

Practising from the CF Ball list

Submitted by Anna de Wilde on September 6, 2012 - 11:54pm

As usual, my lesson plan was easy.  Lets practice dances from the Canterbury Faire Ball list.

Present: Anna de Wilde, Caterine de Vantier, William de Cameron, Katherine of Glastonbury, Adam.

  • Auld Almain
  • Newe Almain
  • Earl of Essex Measure
  • Belfiore
  • Ballo del Fiore for two
  • Anello

Advanced hour

  • Spagnoletta Nuova in modo di Madriglia

I think next week I will attempt to teach some of the basse dance and some other 15th Century

Blog classifications:

Practising for the CF ball

Submitted by Katherina Weyssin on August 30, 2012 - 11:34am

 As usual at this time of year, much of our practise is devoted to making sure we know everything on the CF ball list thoroughly.

A few dances are entirely new to us, others we've not done for several years, or never very often. Many we know well, of course, but there's plenty for us to learn.

Present: Katherine of Glastonbury, Caterine de Vantier, Anna de Wilde, William de Cameron, Katherina Weyssin

Blog classifications:

Council Minutes - 26th of August 2012

Submitted by Ildhafn Seneschal on August 27, 2012 - 8:16pm

 Ildhafn Council Meeting for August 2012

Present: Angela Wells (Seneschal), Nicola Haliday (Marshal), Shannon Wanty (Reeve), Patrick Bowman (Herald), David Robb (Webwright), Katherine Davies (Steward for St Cath's)

Apologies: Wendy Rowsell (Chatelaine), Chantelle Gerrard (A&S Officer)

Meeting opened: 7.30pm


Reports received online: Reeve, Marshal, Herald, Webwright, A&S, Chatelaine



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