In the SCA, we like to recognise people for achievement in various fields, such as Arts and Sciences, Combat, or Service.
The Crown of Lochac grants various awards; Canon Lore lists those held by citizens of the City of Ildhafn and those held by the citizens of Cluain.
As well as awards being made by the King and Queen, the Barony of Ildhafn has orders, membership of which is awarded by the Baron and Baroness of Ildhafn to give particular local recognition to a deserving person. Membership of these orders carries no formal precendence within the Kingdom of Lochac; for an explanation of precedence, please see this excellent page.
As happens with all best intentions, some of the records of awards given out may have been mislaid temporarily. If you know of an award you or someone else received at an event which isn’t listed here, please contact the herald (Noble Saga).
Guildsmen of the Barony of Ildhafn
Arts and Sciences: those whose artistry and contribution to their craft provides inspiration to the Barony
- Emrys Tudur (10 Jan 04)
- Sancha da Sylva (26 Jun 04)
- Beatriz de Santiago (26 Jun 04)
- Wyllemyne van Nymegen (27 Jun 04)
- Catherine Xavier (23 July 05)
- Fulk de Cherbourg (23 Aug 05)
- Constance de Coligny (12 Dec 06)
- Androu le Greyn (12 Dec 06)
- Edward Braythwayte (12 Dec 06)
- Tristan d’Avignon (Dec 06? or 07?)
- Brian de Caffa (22 Oct 11)
- Katherina Weyssin (22 Oct 11)
- Ludwig von Regensburg (22 Oct 11)
- Caterine de Vantier (23 Jun 12)
- Isabelle Winter (23 Jun 12)
- Anna de Wilde (23 Jun 12)
- Serafina di Giovanni Carducci (6 Oct 12)
- Gareth Robertson (22 Jun 2013)
- Geffrey de Wulf (22 Jun 2013)
- Christine Bess Duvaunt (22 Jun 2013)
- Elyna Delynor (5 Nov 2016)
- Sympkyn of the Moor (6 May 2017)
- Katherine of Glastonbury (6 May 2017)
- Griete van Groningen (Old name Yvonne of Ildhafn) (6 May 2017)
- William de Cameron (6 May 2017)
- Melissa Wijffels (17th March 2019)
- Cheryl Graham (17th March 2019)
- Nathaniel d’Avranches (8th March 2020)
- Lady Trudy of Essex (26th Nov 2022)
- Rudiger Adler (22 July 2023)
- Eleanor Hall (23 July 2023)
- Etain ingen Choilein (23 July 2023)
- Victoria of Ildhafn (2 March 2024)
- Elizabeth Braythwayte (16 November 2024)
Guildsmen can be identified by the symbol they wear. a Sliver Lymphad bearing Green Stones

Militia of the Barony of Ildhafn
Combat: those who defend the honour of the Barony by their skill in the arts martial
- Benedict Stonhewer of Askerigg (10 Jan 04)
- Minas Tarquin (10 Jan 04)
- William de Cameron (26 Jun 04)
- Ruadan Fota (27 Jun 04)
- Romano Alirous (31 Jul 04)
- John Bucstan de Glonn (31 Jul 04)
- Geoffrey de Wolf (23 Jul 05)
- Kaspar von Helmenstedt (8 Aug 05)
- Androu le Greyn (27 Nov 10)
- Constance de Coligny (30 Apr 11)
- Eleanor Hall (22 Oct 11)
- Mark the Archer (22 Oct 11)
- Ludwig von Regensburg (23 Jun 12)
- Robert of Knightsbridge (6 Oct 12)
- Emrys Twdr (22 Jun 2013)
- Grim of Thornby (Nov 2014)
- Rudiger Adler (27 Jan 2018)
- Trudy of Essex (27 Feb 2021)
- Gideon Massingberd (27 Feb 2021)
- Lord Ahmed (26th Nov 2022)
- Lady Alice Conning (26th Nov 2022)
- Inigo Missaglia (22 Oct 2023)
Militia can be identified by the symbol they wear. a Sliver Lymphad bearing Red Stones

Aldermen of the Barony of Ildhafn
Service: those who give of their time and effort to enhance the experiences of all and in doing so inspire others to do the same
- Alana the Traveller (10 Jan 04)
- Barret of Muchelney (10 Jan 04)
- Sancha da Sylva (26 Jun 04)
- Cicilia Lyon (26 Jun 04)
- Benedict Stonhewer of Askerigg (26 Jun 04)
- William de Cameron (31 Jul 04)
- Catherine Xavier (31 Jul 04)
- Alyenora Brodier (31 Jul 04)
- Rudiger Adler (31 Jul 04)
- Constance de Coligny (23 Jul 05)
- Rosalind Ryne (12 Dec 06)
- Æsa Hrölfsdöttir (12 Dec 06)
- John Bucstan de Glonn (12 Dec 06)
- Mærwynn æt Mædwe (Old Name: Mærwynn of Cluain) (12 Dec 06)
- Svartr Ormsson (Alternative Name: Domenego Farrante) (12 Dec 06)
- Tristan d’Avignon (12 Dec 06)
- Maria Bianca Casini (12 Dec 06)
- Isabell Winter (Dec 08)
- Serafina di Giovanni Carducci (24 Jan 09)
- Anna de Wilde (11 July 10)
- Caterine de Vantier (11 July 10)
- Wilhelm von Tenneberg (27 Nov 10)
- Heloise of Ildhafn (27 Nov 10)
- Androu le Greyne (30 Apr 11)
- Florence of Knightsbridge (6 Oct 12)
- Ludwig von Regensburg (22 Jun 2013)
- Eleanor Hall (22 Jun 2013)
- Catherine de Nouveau (7 Dec 2013)
- Bridget Lewis (5 Nov 2016)
- Amira de Kent (5 Nov 2016)
- Elizabeth Braythwayte ( 4 March 2018)
- Melissa Wijffels (27 Feb 2021)
- Nathaniel d’Avranches (27 Feb 2021)
- Don of Ildhafn (27 Feb 2021)
- Glenn of Ildhafn (27 Feb 2021)
- Geoffrey de Wolf (28 Feb 2021)
- Giacoma Tovani ( 23 July 2022)
- Christine Bess Duvaunt (23 July 2022)
- Edward Braythwayte (25 Feb 2023)
- Aethelred Devle (22 July 2023)
- Mark the Archer (2 March 2024)
- Emrys Tudor (16 November 2024)
- Sitheach of Cluain (16 November 2024)
- Etain ingen Choilein (16 November 2024)
Aldermen can be identified by the symbol they wear. a Sliver Lymphad bearing Yellow Stones

Burgesses of the Barony of Ildhafn
Courtesy: those who provide the examples of courtesy to which we all aspire
- Teresa d’Arezzo (10 Jan 04)
- Inigo Missaglia (26 Jun 04)
- Emrys Twdr (Dec 07)
- Katherina Weyssin (Dec 07)
- Eirik Bruni (21 Jun 08)
- Ludwig von Regensburg (27 Nov 10)
- William de Cameron (23 Jun 12)
- Elizabeth Braythwayte (6 Oct 12)
- Katherine of Glastonbury (22 Jun 2013)
- Gareth Robertson (5 Nov 2016)
- Mærwynn æt Mædwe (Old Name: Mærwynn of Cluain) (21 Nov 2020)
- Don of Hareby (25 Feb 2023)
- Melissa Wijffels (26 Feb 2023)
- Nathaniel d’Avranches (26 Feb 2023)
Burgesses can be identified by the symbol they wear. a Sliver Lymphad bearing Silver Stones

Freedom of the City
Those who have contributed greatly to Ildhafn and who reside outside of the Barony
- Catalina Oro Sol (21 Jun 03)
- Duncan Kerr (8 Feb 04)
- Sancha da Sylva (7 Nov 04)
- Stefano da Urbino (21 Apr 07)
- Edward Long-hair (1 Dec 07)
- Bethany Hayward (1 Dec 07)
- Elisabeth Isola (27 Nov 10)
- Ginevra Isabella di Serafino Visconti (22 Jun 2013)
- Amalie von Brisache (2 May 2015)
- Bridget Lewis (5 Nov 2016)
- Amira de Kent (5 Nov 2016)
- Griete van Groningen (Old name Yvonne of Ildhafn) (6 May 2017)
- Anna de Wilde (22 Jan 2018)
- Fiora Vespucci (04 March 2018)
- Llewelyn ap Dafydd (23 June 2018)
- Maximilian von Monsterburg (14 July 2018)
- James of Southron Gaard (2 Dec 2018)
- Bartholomew Baskin (27 Feb 2021)
Those with Freedom of the City can be identified by the symbol they wear. a Sliver Lymphad bearing Blue Stones

Lodemen of the Barony of Ildhafn
Those who used to reside in Ildhafn but who now reside outside of the Barony
- William de Wyke (25 Aug 2018)
- Serafina di Giovanni Carducci (28 Feb 2021)
Lodemen can be identified by the symbol they wear. a Sliver Lymphad bearing Purple Stones
Flower of Ildhafn
Those who reside in Ildhafn who have performed and inspired
- Ludwig von Regensburg (Singing – Summer Event December AS54)
- Elyna Delynor (Harpist – Baronial Anniversary June AS55)
- Gareth Robertson (Singing – Newcomers Event May AS56)
- Christine Bess Duvaunt (Singing – Summer Event November AS57)
- Rhys of Ildhafn (Fastest display of agility, tabled while under fire and timed to music – Ildhafn 20th Anniversary AS58)
- Noble Saga (Singing – Tudor Christmas event November AS59)
Mistress Katherina Weyssin first presented the Flower Jewel to the Baron and Baroness at the Ildhafn Summer Event in December AS54, with these words:
“To glance around this hall is to know that our Barony is graced by many artisans, for on all sides are things we have made, that are wondrous.
Yet there are arts one cannot touch, which shine for but a moment, like the flower which unfolds its petals to the morning sun, and by evening lives only in memory.
In these arts our Barony is a Jewel in the kingdom, a Jewel of unrivalled splendour.
So I give Your Excellencies this Jewel, to adorn those among your people who excel in music, plays, stories, songs, dance – whose performance brings us joy, moves us, inspires us.
The one who receives this should wear it proudly.
It is the tangible, touchable memory of a shining moment.
This Flower does not fade with the evening.
But do not wear it over long. The next time we folk gather, or the time after that, it shall be your duty to advise their Excellencies who should wear it next.
None may bear this gem a year, for it is beyond belief that in this Barony a year could pass without an inspiring performance.
I give you this Flower, and I thank you for being the finest patrons any artists could hope to serve.”
These words of praise are now conveyed at each passing of the Flower to the newest recipient that they are recognised for their contribution to the art of performance.