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Fencing at Canterbury Faire

Submitted by Ludwig von Rege... on February 11, 2013 - 9:31pm

I had an enjoyable week's fencing at Canterbury Faire.  Don Emrys, Don William and I participated in the melees, which continued last year's theme of silliness with revivals of Zombie scenarios, and the addition of Space Invaders.  Christine and I were both authorised in Cut and Thrust, which meant I could examine James in his Free Scholar's prize in longsword (which he easily passed), and we -- along with Emrys -- could play in the Cut and Thrust tourney.  I played longsword throughout as it is my new toy.

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Council Minutes - 20th January 2013

Submitted by Ildhafn Seneschal on February 5, 2013 - 7:00pm

Ildhafn Council Meeting January 20th 2013


In attendance: Angela Wells (Seneschal), Shannon Wanty (Reeve), Patrick Bowman (Herald), Katherine Davies (Webwright), Chantelle Gerrard (A&S), Eleanor Hall  (Marshal), Wendy Rowsell (Chatelaine), David Robb, Alasdair Muckart


Absent: No-one


Reports received online: All of them!

Practise for Faire

Submitted by Katherina Weyssin on January 22, 2013 - 8:27pm

An excellent session, with last-minute sewing.

  • My love hath vowed
  • Verbum caro factum est
  • Margot
  • Il bianco e dolce cigno
  • Dona nobis pacem

(See for details of each piece).

I've assembled those of our current songs that aren't covered in the Snogbook or Cantiones Secundae, and had them printed and bound, as "Ildhafn's extras". They're in my singing box, with copies of the songbooks above, and a plastic tenor recorder (for getting start-notes).

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Getting mask time

Submitted by Ludwig von Rege... on January 11, 2013 - 12:18pm

While regular classes are on hiatas over the summer, we're not going to seed.  Matt, David, Chantelle and I got together for some sparring practice on Wednesday, on the spacious lawn outside Chantelle's studio.  We just played "King of the hill" for about 90 minutes, which worked out really well for the four of us: we cycled through quite quickly, so everyone got plenty of fencing, and the mix of abilities was such that everyone spent some time staying in.

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Return of the basses

Submitted by Katherina Weyssin on January 7, 2013 - 2:17pm

We had nearly our full complement of singers once again. Thanks for hosting it, Caterine.

Verbum caro factum est

We've returned to singing it in C, with both men and women on each line, and women singing an octave higher than men. I've updated the sheet music and sound files. William de Cameron has switched to the top line, and Christine to the bottom line. William de Wyke and Emrys learned this for the first time.

We're continuing to vary who sings which verse.

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