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Cacophony of Sound

Submitted by Vettoria di Gio... on May 5, 2013 - 9:12pm

This afternoon Christine took us through some breathing techniques using imagery as a refresher from when she first took us through these, and Katherina Weyssin drew some diagrams for us showing how the lungs and diaphragm interact when we breathe - there's also quite a lot of good videos on YouTube, using a variety of methods, for those that want to explore this further; searching for "diaphragm singing" and "diaphramatic breathing" gets some good results .

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Sewing on Monday Night

Submitted by Christine Bess ... on April 16, 2013 - 12:18pm

On Monday the 15th of April at 6.30pm at the lake house arts studio, four lovely ladies met to pattern various period outfits. There was creativity, fun and we achieved patterns for our outfits...

This will be an ongoing project and if anyone wishes to join us please contact me from this website, Lady Christine Bess Duvaunt. 

Next week there will be a day change - Tue 23rd april at 6.30pm, and from then on every monday night starting on monday 29th April 6.30pm, we will be meeting to further work on, and then complete our projects before the Bloth.

Thank you

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