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Saturday Rapier Fun

Submitted by Christine Bess ... on April 16, 2013 - 11:44am

On Sat 13th April Guildmaster Don Emrys and Lady Christine met and had great fun outside the lake house testing their skill in various styles. 

This is an attempt to continue on the fine fencing that a few of us were regularly doing outside of Wednesday night practice during the summer months...

We will be doing more of this outside the lake house (and inside) when weather permits, and we try to make it known but if anyone wishes to be involved please get in touch with us also! 

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Wednesday (Meyer's Rapier)

Submitted by Ludwig von Rege... on April 10, 2013 - 12:00am

A return to the hip cut, maintaining initiative, some devices from the Low guard.

Warm-up: Same cutting drill as last time.

Hip cut as an exemplar of two tactics

In the previous lesson we tried two hip cuts, one starting with a lunge, the other with an Oberhau.  In both cases the cut was a result the inital cut being parried.  This is a device based on maintaining initiative, allowing you to follow an attack with another attack, while your opponent is restricted to parrying.

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