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23rd of February

Submitted by Ildhafn Seneschal on February 27, 2014 - 10:52pm

In Attendance: Patrick (Seneschal), Nicola (Chatelaine), Katherine (Web), Chantelle (Rapier), Shannon (Herald), Ange, Nora (Reeve - 7:54), Matthew (8:15)

Apologies: David

Opened: 7:35

Reports:  See quarterly summaries.


Quarterly reports: I would like summaries of officers' quarterly reports distributed to Council list and archived on the website.

Blog classifications:

12th of January

Submitted by Ildhafn Seneschal on February 20, 2014 - 9:56pm

In Attendance: Patrick (Seneschal), Shannon (Herald), Katherine (Web), David Robb

Apologies: Rob (Marshal), Nora (Reeve), Chantelle (A&S)

Opened: 7:31


None asked for, none received.

Past Events
Crescent Fence:  Booking fee ($12) still not paid.  [PB - I believe this is in error and the amount has been payed.]

Blog classifications:


Submitted by Ildhafn Seneschal on January 9, 2014 - 10:28pm

In Attendance: Patrick (Seneschal), Nicola, Nora (Reeve), Shannon (Herald), Chantelle (A&S), Catherine, Katherine (Web), David, Jessica

Apologies: Rob (Marshal)

Opened: 7:35


Quarterly reports this month.

Blog classifications:


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