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Rehearsing for Winter Warmup

Submitted by Katherina Weyssin on August 4, 2011 - 4:35pm

Having rehearsed last week for our performance at the Auckland Museum Demo, this week we were working on our upcoming performance at the Winter Warmup - the annual dancing extravaganza of the Ruritanian Society, on the 13th of August.


Our current plan, pending a successful dress rehearsal next week, is to perform Pavaniglia and Spagnoletta Nuova. If you'd like to come and watch us, please do! (Contact Katherina for details).


We danced:

Blog classifications:

Wednesday (Manciolino and Free Sparring)

Submitted by Ludwig von Rege... on July 13, 2011 - 12:00am

Class Outline: A start on Manciolino's first Assalto, then opportunities for sparring.

Great to have Lisa visiting from Adelaide.

Manciolino guards review

High guards: Guardia Alta, Guardia di Testa, Guardia Faccia, Guardia di Sopra il Braccio, Guardia di Sotto il Braccio

The high guards are performed with either foot forward, with narrow or wide stance.  Alta sometimes occurs with the feet together.

Blog classifications:

Wednesday (Manciolino)

Submitted by Ludwig von Rege... on June 29, 2011 - 12:00am

Class plan: Continued introduction to Manciolino

Warmup: Footwork exercises (17th C Italian)

Introductory Exercise: Sample transitions

Start in Guardia Alta with right foot forward.  Mandritto (with pass) into Sopra il Braccio, Riverso (with pass) into Porta di Ferro Stretta, Montante into Guardia Alta with left foot forward.  Continue with alternate foot variations.

Defences from Guardia Alta:

Fendente and Montante

Pass back with Montante-like thrust into Guardia di Faccia

Blog classifications:

Updated Amoroso

Submitted by Katherina Weyssin on June 16, 2011 - 10:31am

Anna ran the first hour of dancing, as usual, for herself, Caterine, William and Sergei.

[She can fill in this section - I had to miss it]

In the second hour, Anna and William rehearsed Cesarina, before we danced Pungente Dardo, Ginevra and Spagnoletta Nuova.

Finally, we relaxed with Amoroso, but with an extra twist: having re-read the two sources I've altered the ending slightly. The dance is now:

1. The couple dance 8 pive together

Blog classifications:

Wednesday (Meyer)

Submitted by Ludwig von Rege... on June 15, 2011 - 12:00am

Class: A few manoeuvers from Meyer

Warm-up:  Footwork, Meyer's 1st cutting drill for Dussack

Cutting drill: Start with left foot forward, in Oberhut.  Cut with pass into Langort, lift hilt into Ochs with gathering step and cut again, and again.  Thus three cuts, stepping with each, the first delivered with a passing step.  Then cut stepping backwards, landing the cut with the back (left) foot.

I was inspired to practice cutting while stepping back on the left foot by a recent Manciolino class.

Blog classifications:

Bobbin-lace experiments

Submitted by Katherina Weyssin on June 12, 2011 - 12:06pm

Sewing was quiet this week - just William, Catalina, Caterine, Katherina, and William.

(Yep, that's five people and two names, not counting regional variations. Terribly medieval.)


Katherina's discovery for the day was that, while bobbin-lace is much easier with proper tools - carved bobbins, a lace-pillow, etc - it can be done without them. A tailor's ham wrapped in a bit of shiny fake satin worked well enough as a pillow; and paddle-pop sticks make imperfect-but-useable bobbins.


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