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Wednesday (Manciolino)

Submitted by Ludwig von Rege... on June 29, 2011 - 12:00am

Class plan: Continued introduction to Manciolino

Warmup: Footwork exercises (17th C Italian)

Introductory Exercise: Sample transitions

Start in Guardia Alta with right foot forward.  Mandritto (with pass) into Sopra il Braccio, Riverso (with pass) into Porta di Ferro Stretta, Montante into Guardia Alta with left foot forward.  Continue with alternate foot variations.

Defences from Guardia Alta:

Fendente and Montante

Pass back with Montante-like thrust into Guardia di Faccia

Attacks from Guardia Alta:

We attempted the first five attacks from Guardia Alta.  Footwork model was (lacking more explicit instructions) for first cut with diagonal pass and second with correcting (or compass) step.  Number four: Feint a riverso to his thigh; if he attacks the head deliver a mandritto to his sword-hand etc.

We had trouble extracting the sword from the riverso to perform the mandritto.  Should try this one again next week.

Summary: Mandritto, Riverso, Falso, Fendente, Montante.


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