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Rehearsing for Winter Warmup

Submitted by Katherina Weyssin on August 4, 2011 - 4:35pm

Having rehearsed last week for our performance at the Auckland Museum Demo, this week we were working on our upcoming performance at the Winter Warmup - the annual dancing extravaganza of the Ruritanian Society, on the 13th of August.


Our current plan, pending a successful dress rehearsal next week, is to perform Pavaniglia and Spagnoletta Nuova. If you'd like to come and watch us, please do! (Contact Katherina for details).


We danced:

  • Gioioso in tre
  • Amoroso
  • Pavaniglia
  • La Figlia di Guglielmina
  • Spero
  • Spagnoletta Nuova
  • Belfiore

(and possibly others I don't remember)


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