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Wednesday (Manciolino and Free Sparring)

Submitted by Ludwig von Rege... on July 13, 2011 - 12:00am

Class Outline: A start on Manciolino's first Assalto, then opportunities for sparring.

Great to have Lisa visiting from Adelaide.

Manciolino guards review

High guards: Guardia Alta, Guardia di Testa, Guardia Faccia, Guardia di Sopra il Braccio, Guardia di Sotto il Braccio

The high guards are performed with either foot forward, with narrow or wide stance.  Alta sometimes occurs with the feet together.

Low guards: Porta di Ferro Stretto (right foot forward, defends inside line), Coda Lunga e Alta (left foot forward, defends outside line), Coda Lunga e Stretta (right foot forward, defends outside line).

First Assalto: We started with the repeating "embellishment" (Translation Tom Leoni)

(from Guardia Alta)  Throw your right foot behind the left while cutting a fendente into the rim of the buckler; let the sword continue downward and behind you all the way up into Guardia Alta.

Pull your left foot behind the right and perform a ritocco of the buckler. (we finished the move in Porta di Ferro Stretta)

Pass forward with your left foot into a wide stance, getting into Guardia di Testa.

Pass forward with your right foot hitting a falso into the boss of your buckler. (again we finished in Porta di Ferro Stretta)

Lift a montante into Guardia Alta pulling your right foot next to the left, and making sure that your buckler keeps your head well defended. (feet together, left foot out at an angle)

Next week we will do the opening approach.  Aim is to learn the whole Assolto over the next two months.

Additional Manciolino resources can be found at Richard Cullinan's (aka Tariq Ibn Jelal) blog:

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