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Council Meeting Minutes - 25th of March 2012

Submitted by Ildhafn Seneschal on March 25, 2012 - 12:00am


March 25th 2012

In attendance: Angela Wells (Seneschal), Shannon Wanty (Reeve), Patrick Bowman (Herald), Nicola Haliday (Marshal), Nadia Benton (Deputy A&S Officer)

Apologies: David Robb (Webwright), Wendy Rowsell (Chatelaine)

Absent: Everyone Else

Meeting Opened: 7.45pm

Officer Reports:

Reeve (done via email)

Webwright (via email)

Blog classifications:

Catena d'Amore

Submitted by Katherina Weyssin on March 22, 2012 - 10:42pm

Since we had six when I was expecting only five, we tried parts of La Catena d'Amore, with some success. Everyone was patient with my half-formed reconstruction, and I learned much from having real dancers to move around.

Blog classifications:

Canterbury Faire Feast 2012

Submitted by Vettoria di Gio... on March 2, 2012 - 4:08pm

By Lady Caterine de Vantier

This year I was privileged to be able to cook the feast at Canterbury Faire, with the aid of an awesome team from Ildhafn and many, many kitchen hands and dishwashers, mostly from the Crescent Isles, with a smattering of people from over the ditch. I said it in person, but I'll say it again - thank you to all those that helped, I really appreciated what each and every one of you did as this feast would not have worked as well or gone as smoothly without your help.

Read on for the full discussion of the background, food, service and other notes.

Blog classifications:

Wednesday (Longsword)

Submitted by Ludwig von Rege... on February 29, 2012 - 8:26pm

Class: A closer look at some of the techniques from Ringeck we've already seen.

Warmup: Start in right Ochs (left foot forwards).  Cut a Zornhau, Mittelhau (left to right) and Unterhau (right to left), each with a pass.  You should now be in left Ochs.  Cut a Zornhau (left to right), Mittelhau (right to left) and Unterhau (left to right).  You are now back where you started (in right Ochs).  Repeat.

A pattern: Zorn, wind into Ochs (as if your opponent had block your initial cut), then cut around with an Oberhau to the otherside.

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