Some of the stories previously featured on our website are archived here so that you can look back through them at your leisure.
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May Day is on!
The weather isn't 100% perfect, but we're going to risk it, so we'll see you all at the Wintergardens at 11am!
Ball-bookings close soon
Bookings for the Birthday Ball close on Friday the 10th of May. The ball itself is on Saturday the 18th.
Regular Sewing on Monday nights
Just to let those know that are intending to come to the regular sewing on Monday nights all the way through to the Bloth, that next week (April 22nd) - for that week only - we will not be meeting.
Singing irregular in April
Formal singing classes are cancelled for the next two Sundays - April the 21st and 28th - as the usual teacher, Katherina, won't be able to make it.
Guildmaster Emrys
Prize result: Emrys is a Guildmaster.
Festival Report AS XLVII (2013)
Rowany Festival AS XLVII
Rowany Festival AS XLVII was held from Thursday 28th March 2013 to Tuesday 2nd April at Glenworth Valley near Gosford, NSW, Australia this Easter. There were five of us this year from the Cresent Isles that made the journey 'across the ditch' to Terra Rosa...
We all were hosted in style in our respective campsites, old friendships were strengthened, and new friendships were forged amongst the populous there setting the scene for six glorious days in the ever changable Valley weather.
Arts and Sciences Sunday - schedule for 2013
This year, Arts and Sciences Sundays will be held at three different places, on a regular four-week rotation. Caterine will be the host once every fortnight, and Anna and Aesa will each host it once every four weeks.
No fencing tonight
Wednesday fencing practice is cancelled tonight due to illness. See you all next week.
No A&S this Sunday (31st March)
Due to Easter being this weekend, there will be no A&S on Sunday 31st March. Normal service will resume the following weekend.
A&S Sunday - 24th of March 2013 at Anna's Place
This Sunday A&S will be at Anna's place in Greenlane. All are welcome. It will start at 2pm and finish at 6pm.