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14th of September

Submitted by Ildhafn Seneschal on October 8, 2014 - 9:58pm

In Attendance: Patrick (Seneschal), Nicola (Chatelaine), David (A&S), Katherine (Web), Nadia (Rapier), Shannon W (Herald), Angela, Jessica.

Absent:  Nora

Apologies: Robb (Marshal)

Opened: 7:05


Covered by quarterlies.

Seneschal / Matters Arising:

Nothing to add, except I still haven't done anything regarding Children's policy (bad Seneschal).

Past Events:

Blog classifications:

Formosus elected Pope (891)

Submitted by Ludwig von Rege... on October 6, 2014 - 12:00am

And now for one of my very favourite stories.  Pope Formosus was elected on this day in 891. Formosus' ecclesiastical career had enjoyed mixed fortune.  Made Cardinal Bishop of Portus in 864 he was denounced for treachery in 872 and excommunicated.  Nevertheless, Formosus is connected to today's other story, for it was he who persuaded Karl the Bald to be crowned as emperor by John VIII in 875.

Blog classifications:

Death: Karl the Bald (877)

Submitted by Ludwig von Rege... on October 6, 2014 - 12:00am

On this day in 877 died Karl the Bald.  Karl (Charles) was a grandson of Charlemagne (Big Charles), the son of Ludwig the Pious and his second wife Judith of Bavaria.  As the youngest son, his arrival caused some trouble regarding inheritance.  After some fighting and premature death, Ludwig's empire was divided amongst Karl, who got (more or less) France, Ludwig the German, who got (more or less) Germany (der!) and the Emperor Lothar, who got the bit in between: the land between the Rhone and the Rhine (Lotharingia = Lorraine).

Blog classifications:

Battle of Stamford Bridge (1066)

Submitted by Ludwig von Rege... on September 25, 2014 - 12:00am

Today is the anniversary of the Battle of Stamford Bridge (1066). Harold Godwinson was king of England, and Harald Hardrada was king of Norway (seriously, check out this guy's biography: he went everywhere and fought everyone!). So on one side was Harold, and on the other side Harald. Clear?

Blog classifications:

Death: Pippin the Short (768)

Submitted by Ludwig von Rege... on September 24, 2014 - 12:00am

Pippin the Short died on this day in 768. Son of Charles "the Hammer", he inherited his father's job as Neustrian Majordomo. In 743, Pippin and his brother, Carloman, installed Childeric III as King of the Franks (it's hard to be Mayor of the Palace when there's no king to "serve") only to later have Childeric deposed. Pippin obtained permission from the Pope to have himself crowned instead (Carloman having retired into a monastery).

Blog classifications:

Monday Music 15/09/14

Submitted by Katherine of Gl... on September 15, 2014 - 11:05pm

In attendance: Emrys, Cecelia, Katherine of Glastonbury


We played:


Belle Qui

Emrys top line 

Cecelia and Katherine 3rd line (Katherine also adding chords)

We can play this at a danceable speed. 


Washerwomen's Bransle

Matt bass drone

Cecelia and Katherine top line (Katherine also adding chords)

We'll need to speed this up a little so it could be danced to.


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