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Monday Music

Submitted by Katherine of Gl... on October 20, 2014 - 10:20pm

In attendance: Emrys, Cecelia, Katherine of Glastonbury 

We played:

Voltati in Ca Rosina 

Discussed learning Ly bens distonys as could be not too difficult to get to a danceable speed

The official Bransle

-Katherine top line (and chords)

-Emrys second

-Kelsie third (alto recorder)

Started playing this for the first time tonight. We'll practice trying to get speed a bit faster  

Belle Qui

Black Almain 

Blog classifications:

Monday Music 13/10/14

Submitted by Katherine of Gl... on October 13, 2014 - 10:42pm


In attendance: Emrys, Cecelia, Katherine of Glastonbury


We played:


Voltati in Ca Rosina 

To warm up


Belle Qui

-Cecelia to practice second line, Katherine playing third line, Emrys playing top line



-in new key (c instead of having b flats - f major?)- Karen's arrangement 


Earl of Essex

-Cecelia third line

-Emrys second line


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