Some of the stories previously featured on our website are archived here so that you can look back through them at your leisure.
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Auckland Museum Community Consultation Workshop
Yesterday Eleanor Hall and I attended the inaugural Community Consultation Workshop held by Auckland Museum. The event brought together representatives from the various community groups that have been involved in displays and demonstrations as part of museum exhibitions over the last year. There were roughly 30 people there, representing perhaps a dozen community groups.
No sewing sunday November 20th
Al and Mel are unavailable this coming weekend, so the group get together day is off this week, sorry!
See you all the following weekend, when there's a fencing tournament, in addition to the normal making of things and socialising.
No dancing tonight
Dancing is cancelled tonight, as we're all packing for Labour Weekend. Sorry about the short notice: I'll be there for a few minutes around 7:30 just in case.
Fencing CANCELLED today - rain
The weather is nasty, so Ludwig at least will not be fencing in Diana reserve this afternoon. See you on Wednesday for the regular (indoor) class, or next weekend.
- Ludwig
Shirts and Chemises with Chantelle
Chantelle is offering her assistance to any gentles who wish to start, make or finish a shyrte or chemise this Tuesday night, from 6:30pm at number 6 Aratonga Ave Greenlane
Come join the fun...and remember, there are only two weeks till festival so why not spread them out!
- posted by Katherina on Chantelle's behalf -
Patterns for a 16th C man's shirt or woman's high-necked chemise:
Website updates
For those who regularly read the site, a couple of updates have taken place recently - just in case you're wondering where a page you used to look at has moved to!
The Regular Activities link has moved to the menu on the left.
Event report: Hastilude
William (and baby daughter), Katherina, Ludwig and Caterine travelled to Hamilton on Saturday to attend Cluain's monthly Hastilude.
We had a very pleasant and relaxed afternoon: there was some fencing, a lot of boffer-fighting for the kids, lots of cooking, sewing, and socialising, then a potluck dinner - with a surprising range of extremely tasty, and in many cases well-researched, dishes - in the evening.
Auckland Museum Demo - video
Auckland Museum now has a collection of photos of our demo online, as well as a beautifully-edited video, with fragments of the fencing, dancing, dressing-demonstrations on stage, as well as each of the table displays.
It's well worth a look.
Dancing is in the City this week
Although, according to our regular schedule, dancing would normally be in Birkdale this week, we'll be in the city instead. We'll be in the city again next week, and in Birkdale in a fortnight. The locations on the calendar (see left) are correct.
We're dancing in the city so we can rehearse for our upcoming performance at the Winter Warmup on a good wooden floor. If you're performing this weekend, please bring garb for a dress rehearsal.