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(March 30th, 2015 by Eleanor Hall)


Eleanor, Katherine of Glastonbury


Music played:

Black Alman



Katherine on Sap with Harp - did not place accidentals in second section

Eleanor on tenor with tenor recorder. changed last note to a g instead of Bb to match the g chord played by harp to give piece for 'final' sound


Lorraine Alman

Katherine: Sap on Harp

Eleanor:  Tenor on Tenor recorder.


Earl of Essex Measure - first half

Katherine: Sap on Harp

(March 16th, 2015 by Eleanor Hall)


Eleanor, Katherine of Glastonbury Emrys


Music played:

Black Alman



Katherine on Sap with Harp

Emrys on Tenor on viola

Eleanor on Sap with flute, and tenor with tenor recorder.


Plan for next week:

Earl of Essex

Katherine: Sap on Harp

Emrys: Alto on violin

Eleanor: Sap on Flute, Tenor on Tenor recorder.


(November 22nd, 2014 by Katherina Weyssin)

Our first attempt at this sort of evening of music: all-in, anything goes ...

(November 19th, 2014 by Katherina Weyssin)

We're still enjoying the Red Book of Montserrat; and some other stuff too.

(November 5th, 2014 by Katherina Weyssin)

Our new piece for the evening was Tant con je vivrai,  a virelai by 13th composer Adam de la Halle.

(October 22nd, 2014 by Katherina Weyssin)

We're working our way through the Red Book of Montserrat, learning the pieces and then memorising them.

(October 20th, 2014 by Katherine of Gl...)

In attendance: Emrys, Cecelia, Katherine of Glastonbury 

We played:

Voltati in Ca Rosina 

Discussed learning Ly bens distonys as could be not too difficult to get to a danceable speed

The official Bransle

-Katherine top line (and chords)

-Emrys second

-Kelsie third (alto recorder)

Started playing this for the first time tonight. We'll practice trying to get speed a bit faster  

Belle Qui

Black Almain 

(October 15th, 2014 by Katherina Weyssin)

Red Book of Montserrat night again.

(September 17th, 2014 by Katherina Weyssin)

Lots from the Red Book of Montserrat, because we all felt like it

(September 15th, 2014 by Katherine of Gl...)

In attendance: Emrys, Cecelia, Katherine of Glastonbury


We played:


Belle Qui

Emrys top line 

Cecelia and Katherine 3rd line (Katherine also adding chords)

We can play this at a danceable speed. 


Washerwomen's Bransle

Matt bass drone

Cecelia and Katherine top line (Katherine also adding chords)

We'll need to speed this up a little so it could be danced to.



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