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St Valentine's Day Massacre

(May 7th, 2021 by Elyna Delynor)

From Maximilian (Event Steward)

(January 10th, 2021 by Maximilian von ...)

Come enjoy good company, revelry, music, games, dancing!


(January 10th, 2021 by Maximilian von ...)

We invite you to witness the Ildhafn St Valentine's Day Massacre!

FANCY DESCRIPTION (Plain follows):

To show devotion there are a great many methods, on this 13th day of February we will come together to celebrate St Valentine with prowess, dancing, food & song.

On this day in the year 1503 the Challenge of Barletta was fought, where Spanish and French knights held contest.  We will seek to recreate the splendor of this tournament on the field of Rapier combat for the enjoyment of all.

We invite all to contest the field for the glory of their intended. 

We also invite any who wish to display their skills in performing arts, be they Song, Dancing, Music or any other form of performance to display their skills.


WHAT:   Rapier Tourney, Potluck Dinner, Games & Dancing.

WHEN:   Saturday 13 February. Tourney 3PM, Dinner Games & Dancing after.

WHERE: Old St Michael's Church in Corbans Estate Art Centre, 426 Great North Rd, Henderson (Detailed directions at end)



Rapier Tourney 3PM
We will tourney in the park immediately beside old St Michael's Church (part of Corbans Estate Art Centre).

All authorised fencers are encouraged to come and show off their prowess and test their skills and courage! Equipment check will open at 3pm with the tourney starting at 3:45pm, so come, one and all, and join the Baroness in being entertained and diverted by the noblest fighters in the land, as they attempt to stab each other in the most amusing and gallant manner.

Evening Hangouts 6PM-10PM

Potluck Dinner 6:30-7:30PM

Games, Dancing, Music and Performances Until 10PM.

Event Requirements:

All revellers are required to bring a plate or dish to enrich our collective table. Try to bring something period (ask the stewards if you would like guidance!) but this is not mandatory. Take your offering to the Hall before coming across to the Park for the tourney.

 You will need to bring your own feasting kit.

If you have any banners or personal devices that you wish to display please bring them along with you to add to the atmosphere of the hall.

The evening wraps up officially at 10pm, but we can push it to a bit later if we're still enjoying the jocularity!

As usual, we'll ask everyone to lend a hand packing down: many hands make light work

We look forward to seeing old and new faces and anyone that might like to join us at this time, so please book below, and we will feast, dance and play games into the night.!

If you're new, we can help you with something to wear, feasting kit, and suggestions on what food to bring, please contact the stewards as soon as possible.

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