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Ildhafn Committee Meeting Minutes - November 2022

Submitted by Giacoma Tovani on November 19, 2022 - 11:42am



Minutes dated 12 November 2022


Meeting opened at 1:05pm


Venue: Zoom meeting online


Attendees: Christine (Seneschal), Domenego (Baron, Reeve), Etain (Herald), Giacoma (Chatelaine), Mærwynn (Baroness)


Apologies: Elyna (Chronicler, Quartermaster), Aveline (Webwright)


  1. Opening and Welcome by the Seneschal.
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes of the previous meeting (October 2022) were passed. Moved by Etain, seconded by Domenego. Carried unanimously. Previous meetings can be found at:
  4. Matters arising from October minutes:
    • Check events updated on site- Giacoma has not checked, deferred to next meeting
    • New Archery Purchases - Ahmed will post to list
    • Reeve advertising - Domenego has pushed out to list again
    • Quartermaster list - Giacoma has updated on website
    • Winter Event booking - Christine is currently confirming deposit/booking with Schlaepfer park
    • Hall Hire - Domenego has discussed potential options with Emrys
    • Winter Event Refunds - all complete
    • Winter Event payments - 3 have now been followed up, 1 still to go
  5. Officer Reports:


Seneschal (Christine):


Happy with the number of events Ildhafn is holding and how they are progressing


Reeve (Domenego):


  • Currently following up on 1 payment for Winter event.
  • ACTION: Domenego and Giacoma will confirm levies before next meeting.
  • The SCANZ account issue is still pending.
  • Mordenvale payment has now been completed.
  • 2 individuals have expressed interest in the Reeve role. Domenego will call for commentary soon.


Etain (Herald):


  • All submissions are progressing nicely
  • Heraldic duties at Coronation went well, without issue

Webwright (Aveline):

  • -The account details for the Instagram account have been sent to me by the previous Baroness and emails from Instagram are coming to the Web account. I look forward to the discussion of a social media officer continuing in the Council meeting as I firmly believe that this is a role best held by someone physically located within the bounds of Ildhafn and who is able to attend Ildhafn events. I hold these in trust until a Social Media officer has been determined.
  • A development Wordpress site has been set up by the kingdom Web officer and Masonry. I've had access for a week, unfortunately the press of my mundane duties has consumed my 'free' time and I do not anticipate being able to look further into this until next week. I anticipate providing a report to Council for next month's meeting.
  • The Baronial email address has been redirected and images of her Excellency added to the contacts page. I eagerly await similar images of his Excellency to complete that section.




Chatelaine (Giacoma):


  • A few newcomers expressing interest in Summer Event
  • No current requests for Gold Key for SUmmer Event


Chronicler (Elyna):


  • Currently working on Spring edition for Coronation
  • Discussing with Giacoma around best way to split main/deputy role


  1. Past Events


Workshop Weekends


  • Have been very successful. Agreed to start up again in February. 2 day format works well
  • Domenego discussed that fencing proposal is to move to a gold coin donation by users, and Ildhafn to make up the difference for hire. Committee agreed that this was a good model, as amount does not dissuade newcomers.


Motion: The cost for weekend workshops in 2023 will be set as a gold coin donation, with Ildhafn to make up any losses for hall hire. Moved by Christine, Seconded by Alex. Passed unanimously.

7. Upcoming Events


Summer Event, 25th-27th November [Stewards: Christine & Etain]


At this stage, may make a loss, depending on numbers - group discussed how this was okay, given that booking had to be used.


April Event, April 2023 [Stewards tbc]


No further updates


Winter Event, July 2023 [Stewards tbc]


Booking with Schlaepfer Park appears to be confirmed, Christine will confirm by next meeting.


Cooking workshop in Rowtorua, date tbc [Stewards tbc]


No further updates


Stone Soup, dates tbc [Steward: Eleanor]


No further updates


8. General Business


Social Media Officer Position


Christine, Elyna and Aveline have had off-list discussions about the passwords for social media accounts. It was agreed that the holder-of-the-passwords can be a separate duty to posting Mærwynn


MOTION: The Ildhafn Social Media Account passwords going forward will be held by the Seneschal, and the B&B. Moved by Christine, seconded by Etain. Carried unanimously.


ACTION: Christine and Giacoma to start discussion off-list for an Ildhafn specific social media policy, to present to Council.


Gear Lent to Coronation


Most of the gear is with Domenego and Mærwynn, who will bring to summer event. Thrones will now stay with Domenego and Mærwynn.


ACTION: Giacoma to update website quartermaster list to reflect new home of thrones.


First Aid Kit


Giacoma followed up on proposal that was sent to committee mailing list.


MOTION: Ildhafn to pay Giacoma (Caitlin) $63.92 to purchase the following items to replenish the First Aid Kit. Moved by Christine, seconded by Etain. Carried unanimously.


K-Tape / Strapping Tape 5.99
Plasters for Sensitive Skin 4.99
Savlon Antiseptic Cream 5.49
Sunscreen 1L 20.79
Instant Cold Packs 4.79
Cold Spray for Sprains 7.99
Hydrogel Wound Dressings 9.49
Sanitary Pads 4.39


Kitchen Utensil Dividers


MOTION: Ildhafn to refund Christine for the future purchase of utensil dividers for Ildhafn gear. Moved by Christine, seconded by Giacoma. Carried unanimously.


Scappi Knife Making


Discussed the idea of a knife-making workshop, with the specific purpose to create Scappi knives for the Ildhafn gear.


Ildhafn Saga Editorial Policy


Giacoma will send out to list.

9.Next meeting set for 3 December 2022

10. Meeting closed at 2:28pm


Minutes written by Giacoma


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