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Ildhafn Committee Meeting Minutes - August 2020

Submitted by Elyna Delynor on August 1, 2020 - 3:36pm



Minutes dated 1 August 2020


Meeting opened at 1.26pm


Attendees: Ludwig von Regensburg (Seneschal, Webminister), Eleanor Hall (Reeve), Sympkyn of the Moor (Quartermaster), Elyna Delynor (Chatelaine), Griete van Groningen (A&S Officer).
Remotely via zoom: Emrys Tudor (Marshal)




1. Opening and Welcome: by the Seneschal


2. Apologies: Maximilian von Monsterburg (Herald)


3. Minutes of the previous meeting: Sympkyn moved that the minutes from the previous meeting (July 2020: be accepted by this meeting. Seconded by Griete, vote in favour, motion carried.


4. Matters Arising from the Minutes:



5. Officer Reports: 


- Seneschal (Ludwig)
We have a Reeve, welcome Eleanor! (General applause). Thanks to Elize for applying. I did the Reeve report for this quarter and have sent it to the Exchequer. This month is a reporting month, due on the 15th, send to me and your Kingdom superior.


- Webminster (Ludwig)
Photos for the website please.

Elyna: I still think the website should be simplified

Ludwig: Yes a lot of menu options can be removed or moved to a more sensible place. This is a long term plan.


- Chatelaine (Elyna)

Photos have been published from last event so Instagram has gained a handful of followers. A recently new person is coming today and at least two recently new are coming to the upcoming event. As mentioned in the addendum to the last minutes, Christine helped Sympkyn and me acquire some new men’s gear for gold key. Still trying to sort out gold key.


- Herald (Max – not present)

(Email: currently injured, nothing to report)


- Marshal (Emrys)

Fencing has restarted. We took a poll at the beginning session and we’re doing Meyer, people are enthusiastic and we have a lot of options include spear. People have made noises about heavy and about a second weekly practice session. Haven’t had a bill from the hall yet but I hope to have something soon. 8 regulars and 2-3 new people.


- Master of Archers (Ahmed - not present)

Ludwig: looks like it started?

Elyna: First session got rained out.

Sympkyn: Last week Ahmed was away so didn’t happen. It is back on MeetUp

Griete: It’s not on the website calendar

Ludwig: I’ll do that


- Reeve (Eleanor)

Nothing to report yet.


- A&S Officer (Griete)

I have updated the A&S bit on the website re dance, music, etc. Have been talking to Maerwyn in Cluain about doing a joint survey about populace interests and what future things we can plan. (Brief summary of survey content.) Today (Stuff Day) we will do some singing. We talked about a fabric-buying trip, do you plan that to be a Stuff Day or a different day?

Sympkyn: Not a Stuff Day. We should put it out that we’re doing it, and ask people which Saturday works best.

Elyna: We should liaise with Christine to have her there, given her knowledge of local stores and fabrics.

Griete: Yep we will plan that for later. I have real life stuff happening soon so probably September.


- Quartermaster (Sympkyn)

Not a lot. Haven’t had the tablecloths back yet. Given Christine is Deputy Steward for the next event she might be able to just bring them along.

The Armoured Trophy is not sorted yet but having gathered the results from the populace survey I just need to do it.


6. Past Events: 

Sympkyn: The report is being finalised from Baronial Anniversary. Approximately $90 loss.

Griete: We anticipated a $100 loss so that’s just fine. What else goes into the event report?

Elyna: Would be great to have a simple template for future stewards.

Ludwig: A lot of the info on the website could be updated.


7. Upcoming Events:

- Winter Revel

Eleanor: We have an event on 22 Aug, a Winter Revel.

Ludwig: What has happened and what else needs to happen?

Eleanor: The booking form is now sorted, thanks Ludwig. Booking emails are coming to me but not yet to Christine. Need more people to book, eight so far. Not concerned though, people will come.

Griete: there will be singing!

Elyna: If we make a loss it’s still fine. We haven’t booked yet but will do!

Eleanor: I will start driving advertising soon. Will start looking at what (minimal) gear we need. Given the site, we shouldn’t need much.


- Summer event

Ludwig: What is happening? Christine has said she will submit a proposal but we have nothing concrete yet.

Sympkyn: We do need to open bookings by September as there are people who travel to the event and they need to make plans.

Elyna: There are others who can run the event if real life is going to prevent Christine doing it but hopefully she will have a proposal to committee soon and we can ratify by the next meeting.


8. Other Business:

- Ildhafn Bank Account Signatories.

Ludwig: I move that Max and I (Ludwig) are added as signatories, Eleanor and Sympkyn remain as current signatories, and Elize be removed as a signatory. (NOTE: Real names will be used on a paper copy for legal and bank purposes but only SCA names will be used on the website, for privacy purposes.)

Seconded by Sympkyn, vote was all in favour, motion carried.

Ludwig: Which of you two current signatories will be able to set up a physical meeting with the bank?

Sympkyn: I can.


- Baronial Coronets (Sympkyn/Elyna)
We have paid Sebastian for the work done on the coronets. We thank him very much for his awesome work, it looks so great. He also refurbished the carrier for the coronets!


9. Date of next meeting: 5 September 2020


10. Meeting closed 2.08pm


~Minutes written by Elyna Delynor

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