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Ildhafn Committee Meeting Minutes - July 2020

Submitted by Elyna Delynor on July 2, 2020 - 12:09pm



Minutes dated 4 July 2020


Meeting opened at 1.11pm


Attendees: Ludwig von Regensburg (Seneschal, Webminister), Eleanor Hall, Maximilian von Monsterburg (Herald), Christine Bess Duvant, Sympkyn of the Moor (Quartermaster), Elyna Delynor (Chatelaine), Griete van Groningen (A&S Officer.
Remotely via zoom: Emrys Tudor (Marshall)




1. Opening and Welcome: by the Seneschal


2. Apologies: (none)


3. Minutes of the previous meeting: Sympkyn moved that the minutes from the previous meeting (June 2020: be accepted by this meeting. Seconded by Ludwig, vote in favour, motion carried.


4. Matters Arising from the Minutes:



5. Officer Reports: 


- Seneschal (Ludwig)
We have had two applicants for Reeve, and the Kingdom Exchequer has asked for the usual two week commentary on both, following which the Exchequer will make a decision. Any feedback welcome.


- Webminster (Ludwig)
Still would like photos of the officers for the website, in garb and in mundane clothes. Griete and Elyna have complied, everyone else could you please send Ludwig your photos.


- Chatelaine (Elyna)

Have been a bit lax but will post more Instagram/Facebook photos this weekend from the last event.

Addendum: Forgot to mention until after the meeting had been closed – with Christine’s help, the Baron and I bought half a dozen shirts and tunics from the Pop-Up Globe to enhance the range of Gold Key loaner garb. Paid for by the B&B as a gift to the Barony. Thanks Christine.


- Herald
I plan to get hold of the baronial litanies and update them a bit.

ED: Please consult with B&B as we have been gradually looking at this so would like to be involved with working through the project with you.

M: I will try to get some people some heraldry also.

C: I would like to register something, let’s talk later.


- Marshall (Emrys)

We are restarting rapier in line with the third school term. I will send out an invitation to all, advising plans to start on the 22nd. There will be at least one new person so we’ll ease back into things so all are brought up to speed. I will be introducing spear work to incorporate the new spear rules.


- Master of Archers

(No report)


- Reeve (p.p. Ludwig)

Once we have a decision on the new Reeve, we will have to clarify who will become signatories on the bank account and who needs to be removed, in accordance with the previously minuted decision.


- A&S Officer (Griete)

Planning to do scribal stuff today at Stuff Day.

M: I will have access to an empty house for the next two weekends in case you need space for any plans.

EH: Our house has a lot of spare space downstairs also.

G: I was hoping to set up a semi-regular thing specifically for scribal work. Also at least one friend will be here today to work on garb, we should set up a thing for that.

S: We were considering arranging a group fabric shopping expedition, as people have commented in the past that a barrier for them is not knowing what fabric to buy.


- Quartermaster (Sympkyn)

Stuff was used for BA, waiting on tablecloths to come back, everything else is safely back in storage.


Ludwig: All reporting officers please note that August 15th is the next reporting date. The reporting months are February, May, August, and November. Your kingdom officer contact can be found on the lochac website if you don’t know who they are. Your report should go to both your kingdom officer and the baronial seneschal.


6. Past Events: 


- Baronial Anniversary (Christine/Griete)

20 people attended, official report still to come. Some cancellations and then some last minute attendees so it balanced out in the end. Successful event and lovely to see people doing stuff, socialising in real life… First event in Lochac since lockdown! Some new faces and some folk who haven’t been seen for a while. We ate, we danced, we sang, we laughed.

L: Were there any refunds to set up?

C: there were some people who had paid and didn’t come become of sickness so we will refund them.

L: Let Sympkyn & Eleanor know the details and they will set up the payments, they are our active signatories at the moment.


7. Upcoming Events:

- Summer Event (Ludwig/Christine)
Committee has not yet received a proposal but Christine intends to put one forward in the next couple of weeks. The deposit for the venue has been confirmed as paid and the paperwork has been done by Sympkyn.


- Another Evening Revel event (Eleanor)

I emailed out an event proposal very similar to the last evening, a potluck meal and a revel at the same venue. Likely to be 22 August but I’m waiting for the venue to confirm the date at this stage. I therefore move that my proposal be approved so that I may proceed to arrange things when the venue confirms.

Ludwig seconds the motion, vote is in favour, motion carried.


M: I suggest we consider introducing a “first-time or hard-time” rate option.

L: That would make budgeting very difficult. It’s not the first time this has come up, we would have to discuss further.

EH: Let’s not do it for this next event as it would be a bit complicated.

S: We could look at doing a “state of the barony” poll and include that as one of the concepts for feedback.

ED: I can put it on the next agenda for future discussion.


8. Other Business:


- Baronial Coronets (Sympkyn/Elyna)
We have them back! We wore them to Barional Anniversary. They are resplendent and shiny. We will get an invoice from Sebastian and get it paid. He has already suggested a figure well within the budget we approved previously.


- Poll on Heavy/Armoured Trophy (Sympkyn)

I have had a few responses, I will compile results of the poll and send an email out to the committee to get the next steps under way.


9. Date of next meeting: 1 August 2020


10. Meeting closed 1.59pm


~Minutes written by Elyna Delynor

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