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Ildhafn Committee Meeting Minutes - June 2020

Submitted by Elyna Delynor on June 6, 2020 - 5:05pm



Minutes dated 6 June 2020


Meeting opened at 1.08pm


Attendees (remotely via online Zoom meeting): Ludwig von Regensburg (Seneschal, Webminster), Sympkyn of the Moor (Quartermaster), Elyna Delynor (Chatelaine), Griete van Groningen (A&S Officer), Christine Bess Duvant.




1. Opening and Welcome: by the Seneschal


2. Apologies: Serafina di Giovanni Carducci (Reeve).


3. Minutes of the previous meeting: Ludwig moved that the minutes from the previous meeting (May 2020: be accepted by this meeting. Seconded by Sympkyn, vote in favour, motion carried.


4. Matters Arising from the Minutes:

Sympkyn: Armoured combat trophy poll will be sent out today.


5. Officer Reports: (Not necessary as written quarterlies were just submitted.)


6. Past Events: None.


7. Upcoming Events:

- Baronial Anniversary (Elyna)

We have a pencil booking at the Old St Michael’s Church in Henderson for the 20th June. I know it’s short notice, I made the pencil booking at the start of the year. I don’t really want to steward, would anyone else be interested?
Christine: I’m willing to take this on.
Griete: I would be able to help.
Elyna: Yay, thanks both of you.

Sympkyn: If you need a hand setting up a booking form in a hurry, give me a yell.

Ludwig: I propose we confirm the site immediately, then set up the pricing structure and go from there.

Elyna: Great, I’ll send Griete and Christine the venue details, and confirm the booking by email today.

Christine: I’ll send out a save the date message asap.
Ludwig: There may be considerations in respect of level 2/level 1, once we know for sure we can make firm plans.


- Summer Event: (Ludwig)

We are looking for a steward to run Summer Event, I have advertised but nobody has come forward yet.

Christine: I would like to offer my services and be steward.

Ludwig: Awesome, look forward to receiving your proposal, that would be great. (General huzzahs)


8. Other Business:

- Officer Changeovers (Ludwig)

Marshall: Emrys has applied, and I will start the commentary period without delay.
Reeve: Have had 2 applications. Haven’t put a deadline on the process so will put out a message giving a deadline so that we can close applications officially and make a decision.

Other officers should check when their time is up so that we can be ready to advertise in good time.


- Resuming Regular Activities (Ludwig)

Emrys is keen to restart rapier as soon as can be.

We should check in with Ahmed with respect to his role as Master of Archers, and confirm that he wants to stay in the role and restart archery practices.

Sympkyn: Stuff day will resume next month on July 4th.

Elyna: There hasn’t been an official music practice for a few quarters. I am willing to consider restarting it should there ever be popular enthusiasm, but at the moment everyone is following their own paths and that is fine.

Griete: Maybe we could talk about specific performance opportunities at events and set up practices with that sort of aim in mind.

Elyna: Let’s discuss further after BA.

Griete: Is there much specific interest in the scribal arts? I’d like to do a workshop or similar.

Sympkyn: Yep there are quite a few people who are keen in that field, we could host that sort of thing at a Stuff Day.


- Baronial Coronets (Sympkyn/Elyna)
Sebastian is in the process of doing the work on the coronets as previously discussed, he has sourced pearls himself, he has turned down the offer of money up front. Will keep you advised of progress.


9. Date of next meeting: 4 July 2020


10. Meeting closed 1.59pm


~Minutes written by Elyna Delynor

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