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Katherina Weyssin's blog

More rehearsal

Submitted by Katherina Weyssin on April 27, 2012 - 4:19pm

Thanks to everyone for getting frocked up for our partial dress rehearsal (corsets, farthingales, doublets, petticotes - the troublesome bits, worn over street clothes).

We had several good runs through our set, and determined where our clothes require extra attention.

Detailed rehearsal notes have been added to last week's blog.

Present: Katherina, Katherine, Caterine, Anna, William de Cameron

Blog classifications:

Second rehearsal for May 5th

Submitted by Katherina Weyssin on April 20, 2012 - 12:33pm

Once again, we spent the whole evening rehearsing for our upcoming performance at Somervell Presbyterian's Daytime Concert Series, on May 5th. Two rehearsals to go . . .

[I'm adding notes after each rehearsal - some changes made after viewing site]

Present: Katherina, Anna, William, Katherine, Caterine

Confirmed playlist

(using modern names to avoid a proliferation of Katherines)

Blog classifications:

Catena d'Amore

Submitted by Katherina Weyssin on March 22, 2012 - 10:42pm

Since we had six when I was expecting only five, we tried parts of La Catena d'Amore, with some success. Everyone was patient with my half-formed reconstruction, and I learned much from having real dancers to move around.

Blog classifications:


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