Ildhafn Council Minutes
February 20 2011
Present: Angela Wells (Seneschal), Shannon Wanty (A&S Officer), David Robb (Chronicler), Vanessa Atkins (Reeve), Nicola Haliday (Rapier Marshall), Patrick Bowman (Herald)
Apologies: Matt Mole (Baron), Phil Mason (Constable)
Meeting Opened: 7.31pm
Reports received by email: All reports covered by Quarterly Reports this month.
Past Events:
Bashorama: Was a good event, attended by 10 fighters. Everyone had fun and found it very worthwhile. There are plans to run another one next year.
Upcoming Events:
LOTS feedback workshop: Ange hasn’t heard anything from Rudiger or Svartr about this. Ange will email them to follow this up and try and arrange a time.
Royal Visit: Council okayed Nicola to approve the site. David and Patrick would like the soteltie and transport treated as a fixed cost instead of fluctuating. If we take the overall cost up to $50 per person then it would allow a little more money for transport and the soteltie. So increase the fixed price for transport to $120, and the soteltie price to $60. Transport-wise the plan is for Nicola and Shannon to pick stuff up from the Quartermaster the week before the event and store it at Nicola’s parent’s storage locker which is closer to the site, with Shannon doing a second run for any remaining stuff to go out to the site with her own gear. Following the event stuff can be taken back to the storage locker and brought back into town from there. David made the suggestion of advertising the breakfast option ahead of time to let people have time to arrange a different option if they prefer. The current plan is just for porridge and maybe toast. Council approved the bid with the flexible current schedule. Shannon will forward the updated figures through to the Council email list.
The Rest of the Year: There was talk of having a picnic, but nothing’s really been noted. General consensus is that with St Sebastian’s, Festival, and the Royal Visit we have plenty on. Crescent Fence is expected to run in Darton on the long weekend in June. Patrick is organising a dance workshop and ball for August. Ange will send out an email asking if anyone would like to run a Bloth-type event at the end of June or in July.
General Business:
Seneschal: Patrick passed on Ange’s official warrant as Seneschal from Bartholomew.
Rolls within the Council: Ange has spoken to Phil and Wendy about her taking on the role of Constable. Ange will advertise this formally for nominations, then forward these to the Kingdom Officer for a decision. Nicola would like to have a Rapier Marshal as her deputy, so Ange will advertise this on her behalf as they are still awaiting confirmation from the Kingdom Marshal. Ange will look through Pegasus for a phone number for Siridean and try phoning him about this. Shannon has been okayed to continue in her role until she is able to find someone to take over. She’s going to work with her potential candidates for the next six months or so until someone says they’re ready to volunteer. We are awaiting confirmation for Shannon to take over the role of Chatelaine.
Reeve: Vanessa commented that during her time as Reeve there has been a very gradual decrease in the amount of money in the account – even though we haven’t been making losses on the events. We did spend some money on LOTS. Vanessa is going to forward through some figures for the last few years. Vanessa commented on the state of receipts she has received from Nicola, noting that she had seen dead possums in a paddock in better condition. David is going to forward his old reports to Vanessa.
Baronial Helms: There are about five baronial helms – one has been sold at Canterbury Faire. Ange is also going to purchase one. Derek has asked if we can keep two as loaner helms. David suggests that if Derek is willing to do the work to make them useable, then we keep them as loaner helms until such a time as someone wants to buy them, or they depreciate in value so much that they’re no longer worth keeping. Patrick suggests that we discuss this again when it becomes relevant. Shannon suggests that we make them useable anyway. David suggested we follow St Florian’s and paint the outside some really awful colour so that they don’t get lost and it encourages people to get their own gear together. UN Blue was a popular colour choice. The paint can always be stripped off they’re sold. Ange will let Derek know to collect the helms from Matt if he wants to turn them into useable helms.
Baron & Baroness: Nominations close on Saturday the 26th of February, Ange will send out a reminder about this tomorrow.