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Ildhafn Committee Meeting Minutes - October 2021

Submitted by Elyna Delynor on October 3, 2021 - 8:00pm


Minutes dated 2 October 2021
Meeting opened at 1.06pm
Venue: Zoom meeting online

Attendees: Ludwig von Regensburg (Seneschal, Webminster/Social Media), Sympkyn of the Moor (Quartermaster), Elyna Delynor (Chatelaine, Chronicler), Domenego Ferrante di Aldobrando (Reeve), Ahmed (Captain of Archers), Griete van Groningen (joined at 1.20pm) (A&S Officer).


1. Opening and Welcome: by the Seneschal.

2. Apologies: Maximilian von Monsterburg (Herald).

3. Minutes of the previous meeting: Sympkyn moved that the minutes from the previous meeting (August 2021 – link: be accepted by this meeting. Seconded by Elyna, vote was in favour, motion carried.

4. Matters Arising from the Minutes: None.

5. Officer Reports:

- Seneschal (Ludwig)

The new “Regnumator” is in place, an online database administered at Kingdom level, to help with officer administration, showing dates when people began in their position, when they are due to step down, information like that. Once logged in an officer will also have access to the “Appointinator”, which facilitates advertising for a role’s replacement. The system includes landed Barons and Baronesses as well as group officers.

Regarding the Covid-19 situation, we in Auckland are in level three, which effectively means we cannot do anything, events or practices. On Monday (in a couple of days) we will find out if we are to stay in level three or drop to level two; if we continue this way much longer, we should do a couple of online ‘events’ to keep people connected. Level two restrictions are different than last time, but we should still be able to run our events and practices in person once we get there. We will have to review the level two restrictions in terms of Summer Event and other things, but because our events are private there are fewer things to consider than if they were public. QR codes are easy to obtain online, and regular practice sessions should consider putting them up for level two – certainly there will need to be records kept of who is in attendance.

- Reeve (Domenego):

Query regarding Summer Event; if we cannot hold the event in person, will we lose our booking fee with the venue?

Sympkyn advised that if it is cancelled due to lockdown restrictions then we will be refunded, otherwise it is treated like a normal cancellation, and we may forfeit some of the deposit.

Domenego is continuing to work through the Reeve’s to-do list, some progress has been made, some things still to do. A few payments are being caught up on in terms of reimbursements, kingdom levies, and event levies. He has written to SCANZ re the bank account in terms of the option of having a sub-account under their main account and is waiting for their feedback. Practicalities will have to be figured out in terms of signatories should we take this path. He will report back to this committee with options for consideration.

Discussion regarding the Xero rollout has been taking place with the Deputy Exchequer and Domenego will likewise report back to the committee in due course.

- Herald (Maximilian)

No report.

Elyna advised that Max has been liaising with the populace in Whangarei and helping them with registration of a name and badge for the potential new Hamlet in that area.

- Webminster (Ludwig)

This position will be advertised soon.

There is now a standard blurb to go on all Lochac websites, which will be posted on our website shortly. Australian groups regularly do an acknowledgement of the local land and the people thereof as a standard opening to their gatherings, and the question has been raised as to whether NZ has/should have an equivalent, potentially with reference to Te Tiriti.

- Chatelaine (Elyna)

The populace of the Whangarei area is working towards creation of a Hamlet; once we are able to meet in person, there will be a petition circulated to support their application.

Beginner dance sessions have been continuing using Zoom with the small group of regulars. Once we drop to level two, they will be held in person again.

- Chronicler (Elyna)

Next issue of the Ildhafn Saga due to publish in November, currently seeking content from all officers that previously submitted and pretty much anyone who would like to contribute. Feedback and ideas very welcome. With Ludwig’s assistance, Elyna will look at publishing some articles as blog posts on the website as an alternative way for people to view the content.

- Marshal (Emrys)

No report.

Sympkyn advised that the fencing regulars are having weekly catchups over Zoom; the plan is to start weekly training again once allowed. Emrys is aiming to help everyone to get their kit up to Cut-and-Thrust standard, as well as incorporating the spear in our training.

Likewise for armoured/heavy combat, planning to start weekly training again as soon as permitted. We need to put together some spare loaner gear for newcomers now that many regulars have obtained their own armour.

- Captain of Archers (Ahmed)

Ahmed has accumulated some cash from donations taken for the use of loaner gear, and suggests we put this towards the purchase a tape measure, sufficiently long that we can lay out targets at distances of up to 60 metres.

Ludwig moved that the committee pre-approve the spending of up to $40 to purchase a suitable tape measure, such money coming first from the funds accumulated by Ahmed and then any additional from club funds required to make up the purchase price. Seconded by Elyna, vote was in favour, motion carried.

Ahmed to consult with Domenego in terms of receipting the cash donations, and to submit the receipt from the tape measure purchase once completed.

- Quartermaster (Sympkyn)

Nothing new to report.

- A&S Officer (Griete)

Nothing new to report. Ealdormere has been doing an online portrait painting workshop every month which Griete has attended in the past, and they have allowed her to advertise it to our local group too.

The Scriptorium has not been happening, due to lockdown. If level three persists we could consider an online get-together.

The Performing Arts Competition has lost momentum under the difficult conditions we all currently face. Suggestion that we changing the deadline to Ildhafn’s Winter Event next year, to give participants and organisers more time to regain enthusiasm.

6. Past Events:

- None.

7. Upcoming Events:

- Summer Event (Ludwig):

Ludwig has offered to steward this event himself; he has a Saturday feast cook lined up and another volunteer to handle lunches and the chores roster. An event proposal will be forthcoming. Obviously we need to wait until Monday’s announcement regarding the future level situation before firm plans can be made, but it is suggested that we start advertising as soon as possible. A member new to stewarding has shown an interest in helping so Ludwig will approach them to see if they will act as deputy steward.

8. Other Business:

- Stewarding How-To Workshop: Following the discussion last meeting, we weren’t able to have an in-person workshop for new stewards due to lockdown, but we could put together an online workshop.

- Discussion on wisdom of the group subscribing to a zoom account in future. Alternatives include Skype which should be free, Teams which also requires a subscription, or Discord which many groups already use, is less familiar to many of us but could be considered in future.

- Ludwig reminds all officers except Reeve that next reporting date is 1st November.

- Meetup Account: We need a new person to be the contact for our Meetup account, requires a credit/debit card to pay fees with the understand that the group will reimburse. Sympkyn volunteered to take this on. Discussion whether the group should consider a debit card in future to facilitate such things.

9. Date of next meeting: 6 November 2021.

10. Meeting close: at 2.27pm.

Minutes written by Elyna Delynor.

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