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Ildhafn Committee Meeting Minutes - July 2021

Submitted by Elyna Delynor on July 14, 2021 - 2:48pm


Minutes dated 3 July 2021

Meeting opened at 1.19pm

Attendees: Ludwig von Regensburg (Seneschal, Webminster/Social Media), Sympkyn of the Moor (Quartermaster), Elyna Delynor (Chatelaine/Chronicler), Domenego Ferrante di Aldobrando (Reeve), Griete van Groningen (A&S Officer), Emrys Tudor (Marshal) (via Zoom), Maximilian von Monsterburg (Herald) (via Zoom), Mærwynn æt Mædwe, Edit Simpson.


1. Opening and Welcome: by the Seneschal.

2. Apologies: Eleanor Hall.

3. Minutes of the previous meeting: Ludwig moved that the minutes from the previous meeting (June 2021 – link: be accepted by this meeting. Seconded by Sympkyn, vote was in favour, motion carried.

4. Matters Arising from the Minutes:

5. Officer Reports:

- Seneschal (Ludwig):

I haven’t yet addressed the bank account situation, but we do need to get that sorted. I need to confirm requirements and clarify options.

Trent: I can help with that. Just for information, I understand Cluain considered the option of opening a sub-account under SCANZ and decided against it.

Ludwig: Thank you. Also, please be aware that for most officers, next month is a reporting month, the deadline being 1st August.

My term as Seneschal will be up at the end of the year. As a matter of course, when your term is up in an officer role, we should advertise that we are seeking a new officer in case someone new is interested, but you can always reapply for the role yourself.

- Webminster/Social Media (Ludwig):

I’m trying to clarify the instructions from above in terms of what is allowed to be posted and what is not. Posts about our own activities are fine and anything from the Kingdom group. We may publish other reenactor groups’ stuff as long as it is clearly labelled that it is not SCA, and if there is money associated with it we must make it clear that there is a fee. We cannot post certain things, and specifically we can’t have requests for money from individuals.

Sympkyn: Does this mean individual people can’t sell gear?

Maximilian: You can sell gear, but you can’t do fundraisers.

Elyna: Is this policy document on the Facebook group yet?

Ludwig: Not yet. Largely because this is not all coming from one clear source, the information is confusing so I want to have it clarified beforehand.

Domenego: Is that something that can be queried further up the line?

Ludwig: Yes, I will be doing that.

- Reeve (Domenego):

I am now receiving the Reeve emails and handover took place. I note that the Reeve quarterly report deadline is the 15th August. Our current bank balance is $7,011.24. There are a few little things from what Eleanor sent me that need tidying. One person seems to have underpaid by $5, I will follow that up with Eleanor’s help.

Ludwig: You asked about the amount for laundry, that should have been in the budget.

Domenego: Ok thanks. It would be good for me to have bank account access obviously; I understand that is being worked on. I have been in touch with Gideon (SCANZ treasurer) about setting up Xero. Also, I have touched base with Max in respect of outstanding payments from his event.

Could I just clarify who our bank signatories are at the present?

Sympkyn: Eleanor and me.

Ludwig: Do you have access to the dropbox and the information you need for the quarterly report?

Domenego: Yes, thanks.

- Herald (Maximilian):

I’ve submitted an article for the upcoming journal, aside from that not much to report, there hasn’t been any official contact in terms of heraldry stuff.

- Chatelaine (Elyna):

My beginner dance class feels like it should be in this report because there have been a lot of newcomers coming to it. It has gone very well; we are about to finish term 2 and I have tentatively committed to another term of teaching. There was a bunch of gold key garb taken out for the last event which is slowly coming back to me. I believe my term is coming to an end but I can't remember the exact date - I will advertise the job once I figure that out.

Griete: My newcomer friend who came to the recent event had a great time and is keen for the next one, so that’s nice.

- Chronicler (Elyna):

I was unwell for most of June which means the journal hasn’t been finished yet, I haven’t done nearly as much as quickly as I would have liked, for which I apologise. I don’t think I had realised that the very first issue would be a bigger job than subsequent issues because I’m creating a template that we can use again. Thank you to those who have submitted pieces already, those who are still preparing theirs I will be in touch, it will be great to get it done at last.

- Marshal (Emrys)

We still need a venue for combat. The option that we were hoping to secure was slow to communicate and, in the end, has refused to negotiate on price, so they are too expensive for us. I would like to ask for some assistance in finding a venue, as I’m aware it’s a big job, and if we can share the load then we have a better chance of finding somewhere suitable before the end of the upcoming holidays, so we can begin training again in term 3.

Ludwig: That’s a good idea, can I suggest sticking an email on the list to that effect.

Emrys: Yes, I’ll do that. Apart from that, heavy/armoured practice has still been happening Sunday mornings. And I’m putting together an article for the journal, focussing on the newest rapier rules. The MODs are currently spending time during our regular meetings going through the Kingdom rules and the Society rules, it has been interesting.

- Quartermaster (Sympkyn)

Minimum stuff was required for the recent event, with that venue we really don’t need much; tablecloths, water carafes, banners, first aid kit. Most of it came straight back, except the tablecloths which Eleanor is laundering. Apart from that we are looking at adding a small supply of 3M hooks to club gear, as a temporary solution for hanging banners at venues that don’t have suitable hanging places.

Griete: There is a danger in using those hooks on some surfaces, we would have to be very careful in terms of not using them on aging paint or other surfaces that could take damage from the adhesive.

Sympkyn: True, we would have to be aware of that potential for damage, either the steward would have to confer with the venue and get their approval, or we just use discretion and only stick them to glass or similar.

Apart from that, much the same as last month, stuff is still here and safe.

- A&S Officer (Griete)

Dancing has been happening, as Elyna said, and scribal arts are happening weekly too. Some singing will happen today hopefully. I’d like to do more future singing, but my time is limited. The calendar is updated and looking good. I will need to find a venue and start arranging an event for the performing arts competition, I’m not sure how big an event it will need to be yet.

Ludwig: How many have you had at scribal?

Griete: About four regulars, and sometimes up to three or four social extras. We have been making things for newcomers, little calligraphy welcome messages that were given out by the Baron at the recent event. They were very well received.

6. Past Events:

- Winter Event (Eleanor/Ludwig)

Eleanor sent her apologies and has emailed an unofficial update in temporary place of a formal report, which will come in time. Essentially she says that it went very well. Unfortunately one of our SCA roadside signs went missing, she has notified the site, with any luck it will turn up.

Sympkyn: This did happen once before in the same place, and it turned up thrown in a garden. Next time I will use cable ties to secure it to the pole at that first turning.

Ludwig: Yes we’ll have to play that a bit by ear in terms of whether it turns up or whether we need to look at replacing the sign. Adding a bunch of cable ties to the club gear is a good idea.

Eleanor’s summary also says that we had 23 adults and one minor in attendance, all signed in correctly. About $100 profit made, and she is having to trace a few that have not yet paid. Overall a great event and a lovely venue.

7. Upcoming Events:

- Summer Event (Ludwig)

I have put a call out for volunteers and have had a few replies. Nothing concrete in terms of overall stewardship yet, but some people have offered their help with various tasks. It would be so great to get some of the newer people involved with running events.

- A Dance Event (Elyna)

I really want there to be another evening revel type event but with the focus on dance. The beginners’ classes are going well, the dancing at Baronial Anniversary was so much fun, and there are people who would be more likely to be persuaded to come along if it was specifically a dance.

Griete: When are you thinking? I don’t think I could run anything alone but I would be keen to talk about this further.

Elyna: Any time between now and Summer Event? As long as we don’t clash with Labour Weekend obviously.

Griete: Ok let’s talk later.

8. Other Business:

- Quartermaster budget (Ludwig)

As I mentioned previously, I think it would be practical for the Quartermaster to have a pre-allocated annual budget so that they can go ahead and buy things they need to do the job properly, for example Sympkyn mentioned at least one box to be replaced. It should be capped at a set amount and if not used it will not accumulate, it is just so that committee doesn’t need to approve every little transaction.

Therefore, I move that we approve an annual budget of $100 for the Quartermaster.

Elyna: Seconded.

Ludwig: (Calls for vote, vote is in favour.) Ok, motion carried.

9. Date of next meeting: 7 August 2021

10. Meeting closed at 2.05pm

Minutes written by Elyna Delynor.

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