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Agenda: Ildhafn Committee Meeting - May 2021

Submitted by Elyna Delynor on March 21, 2021 - 9:13am


1. Opening and Welcome: by the Seneschal.

2. Apologies: Please direct apologies to the Seneschal 24 hours prior to the meeting.

3. Minutes of the previous meeting:

Minutes from April's meeting can be read here: - to be ratified at this meeting.

4. Matters Arising from the Minutes:

5. Officer Reports:

- Seneschal (Ludwig)

- Reeve (Eleanor/Ludwig):

Incl. applications for new Reeve.

- Herald (Maximilian)

- Webminster (Ludwig)

- Chatelaine (Elyna)

- Marshal (Emrys)

- Captain of Archers (Ahmed)

- Quartermaster (Sympkyn)

- A&S Officer (Griete)

6. Past Events:

- Report from St Valentine's Massacre to approve

Apologies that this report is very delayed from when I should have filed it.

Reconciliation documents have been emailed to Sympkyn & Ludwig, as they contain minor amounts of PII, they have not been directly linked on this post.

The quick notes of the financials are below:
TAKINGS:   $184.00        
OUTSTANDING:   $17.00        
  Venue Hire -$207.00        
  Kingdom Levy -$18.00        
  Event Memberships -$12.00 Adults attending 18 Event Memberships - 6    
      Kingdom Levy to Pay Event Membership to Pay
Outstanding Monies to collect
PROFIT/LOSS   -$36.00 $18.00 $12.00 $15.00 Courtney Hill-Male - $17


While we've made a loss of $36, we should also consider giving some recompensation to Ian&Wendy for having laundered the tableclothes after the event.
Stewards notes from Will:
I didn't get as much advertising out for this event as I wanted at the right timing points, and I set my price point ambitiously low.
I have only just realised that Courtney apparently did not pay for the event, and have just sent her a payment reminder to follow this up.  I expect this to be resolved soon. (It's possible she may have paid the SCANZ membership account for example, as sometimes happens with new members)
Sorry for the disorganisaton/delay on my part getting this report to you.  I am likely to take a hiatus from volunteering to run anything for the time being (though people are free to ask me to help with things, I like helping), as it's clear that my time management is not sufficient currently to provide the experience I want to for the barony as a main steward.

Overall, I'm told that the people who attended St Valentines Massacre 2021 had a good time, but I have to admit my price pointing was a failure, and I did not manage to get as many infrequent event attendees/first time attendees as I had hoped for.

7. Upcoming Events:

- B.A.

8. Other Business:

- Social Media Officer, and/or

- Chronicler Position

- Meetup invoice to pay (per email from William de Cameron)

9. Date of next meeting: Proposed 5th June 2021.

10. Meeting close.


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