Present: William, Anna, Caterine, Katherina
Warmup: Figlia de Guglielmino, Chiara Stella
Main Session : Canario
New material (for at least some present)
- Man's first mutanza
- Man's second mutanza (including ritirata, which we hadn't previously done with any success)
- new interpretation of the seguito spezzato in Canario
Katherina practiced her current interpretation of the man's third mutanza, which she'll teach next time.
- Woman's first mutanza
- Woman's second mutanza
Warm down: Ly Bens Distonys, Prenes en Gre
Next: Next sesssion (Thursday) we'll probably concentrate on the Canary again: solidify the man's second mutanza, and learn the man's third, and possibly the woman's third. I'd like us to practice incorporating well-known mutanze into the regular Canary structure, as this seems simple but is a common stumbling-point.
Note: Regular all-inclusive renaissance dance classes have finished for the year, and will re-start in February. Over summer Katherina Weyssin runs intensive classes for a few of her advanced students, where we look at more difficult material. If this appeals to you, come to regular dance classes for a year or so to build up your skills, and you might be ready to join us by next summer!