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Saint Valentine's Day Massacre Rapier Tourney and Pot-luck Supper proposal – 15 February 2020

Saint Valentine's Day Massacre Rapier Tourney and Pot-luck Supper proposal – 15 February 2020

Description of event

A rapier tournament in the afternoon followed by a potluck dinner.


The intent is to hold a rapier tourney in the afternoon outside in the park opposite the hall. After the tournament, we will move inside and have an informal pot-luck supper and a relaxed evening with some music, dancing, singing and games. We will set a few tables up for the food and games, leaving space for people to dance and play music.



  • Steward: Elyna Delynor

  • Deputy steward: Sympkyn of the Moor

  • Rapier co-ordinator: Don Ludwig von Regensburg

  • Date: Saturday 15 February 2020

  • Time:

    • site from 2pm-11pm

    • event from 3pm-10pm

  • Location: Avondale Lions Hall
    1630 Great North Road, Avondale.

  • Price: $10 for an adult SCA member, $12 for non-members, $5 under 15yo, free under 5yo.


Break-even of 20 adults. We may fall short, but as mentioned on previous bids, the club needs events more than it needs to turn a profit.


Fixed costs Total Fixed costs Per person cost
(20 adults)

Site hire

$130 $6.50

Misc - lighting, cleaning, loo-paper, rubbish disposal, etc

 $10  $0.50

Laundry - washing tablecloths and napkins afterwards

 $20  $1.00
Tokens $20 $1.00
Sum fixed costs $180.00 $9.00
Per-person costs    
Kingdom Levy   $1.00
(Event membership)   ($2.00)
Total for Member   $10.00
Total for Non-Member   $12.00
Ticket cost:   $10 SCA members
    $10 Non- members


  • Adult SCA members: $10

  • Adult event-members: $12

  • Youth (5-14 yrs): $5

  • Under 5: No Charge


Through the website as usual with bookings closing on the 13th February.


We will need to let people know there are very limited cooking facilities on site and to bring food that will be appropriate.  

We also propose to suggest people bring period food if possible, but not make it mandatory. We will provide some suggestions for easy period-ish food people can purchase in the supermarket for those who don’t want to make a dish, and some easy recipes for those who would like to try their hand at this but don’t know where to start.

Booking form to include a list of items to bring (e.g. feasting kit).


Booking form will include something along the lines of “If you would like to play with the musicians for the evening, please contact Elyna.” And “We’re looking for people who would like to provide some entertainment – if you would like to sing, tell a story, play some music, please tell us about it here.”



We will need to advertise this asap and on all channels available given this is a short timeframe.

List on:

  • Meetup

  • Website

  • Facebook group

  • Instagram

  • Mailing list 

Advertise that tabards are available for those without garb - anyone who attends must wear at least a tabard. ‘Participation not audience’.



It won't need all the group gear, but it'll need at least a carload of tablecloths, banners, a few platters, cleaning gear, carafes, and loaner feast-gear for guests. Also the list for the tourney which will need either a separate car or a trailer.

Note that we will need to check if the hanging lanterns can be used at this site.



Avondale Lions Hall, 1630 Great North Road, Avondale 

Corner of Great North Road and Blockhouse Bay Road.

Parking: limited parking behind the building - turn into the carpark from Great North Road. Try to carpool if possible!
Bus: stop at 1666 Great North Road is used by routes 113, 115, 135, 136, 153, 154, N13. There are North-bound and South-bound bus-stops on both Great North Road and Blockhouse Bay Road within about 100m of the hall.
Entry: come in by the back door - through the car-park and up the ramp


  • Chairs x plenty

  • Tables x enough

  • Toilet facilities with disabled access

  • Small kitchenette with a fridge, stove, microwave oven and zip

  • Some glassware, crockery and cutlery