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Minutes of the Ildhafn Committee Meeting: 6 April 2019

Submitted by Elyna Delynor on April 6, 2019 - 4:18pm


Minutes dated 6 April 2019

Meeting opened at 1.07pm

Eleanor (Seneschal), Maheshti (A&S Officer), Ahmed (Captain of Archers), Elyna (Chatelaine), Sympkyn (Quartermaster), William de Cameron (Marshall), Katherina Weyssin, Ludwig (Webminster).


1. Opening and Welcome: by the Seneschal.

2. Apologies: Elize (Reeve), Christine (Herald).

3. Minutes of the previous meeting: Mashesti moved that the minutes from the previous minutes be accepted by this meeting. Seconded by Ahmed, vote was in favour, motion carried.

4. Matters Arising from the Minutes:
Eleanor has emailed Maerwynn re platters, awaiting response.

CF reimbursements complete.

Kingdom levies are up to date.

Saving account not yet sorted but will do next month.

5. Officer Reports:

- Seneschal
Quite a quiet quarter. Reminder that most officers end term soon. New database has gone up for the registry.

- Chatelaine
New lady at music. New chap at archery.

- Captain of Archers

As per emailed enquiry from Ahmed: We need new arrows for the Barony. Ahmed wants to buy 24 arrows at $9 each from Luan. They will be $216 in total. This is lots less than most other vendors.

Also, the old archery target stands need to be gone. Will see if anyone in the group wants them, or put them on trademe. Possibly donate to a school. Otherwise, take them to the dump.

Archery continues. Weather has held so far. Planning to continue through winter as weather allows.

Luan is having delays getting arrows. He is awaiting confirmation from his supplier. It may be that the Northern hemisphere is kicking off and that might be holding things up. Eventually we will get new arrows.

- Herald
Not present. Haven’t heard anything.

- Marshal
Fencing going ok. Next term William needs someone else to organise it because he can’t. It is possible that fencing won’t happen next term as many people are busy in the next months.

Heavy practice is still only two people. Great that it’s happening at all but without momentum from gaining new people it is unlikely to continue indefinitely. The weather is going to pack up soon and that won’t help matters.

- Reeve
Reeve has reported. $8K in account. Reported on ins and outs. Fencing account still to be settled but won’t be a problem. CF money went in and out. Someone paid St Sebs fees to us by mistake, refunded.

- Webminster
Nothing to report.

- Quartermaster
Finally bought boxes for the platters, 25 to a box, open top containers and stackable. Will put in for refund, about $6 each.

Everything else stored downstairs, once we have tidied up loose loaner gear we will start getting rid of old crappy things.

Crossover with Gold Key report; similar news. Also a Gold Key box has turned up at Eleanor’s.

- A&S officer:
It continues. Today we are dyeing fabric, yay.

6. Enquiry from Katherina re upcoming dance concert:

Can we keep advertising through Ildhafn/SCA channels, and
Can we borrow some gear – silk banner, herald tabard (needs drycleaning), possibly carafes.

It also has potential to be a small advertising/recruitment opportunity for Ildhafn - if we borrow gear, we could acknowledge Ildhafn in the program and have some flyers available in the foyer.”

Committee in favour.

7. Enquiry from Maheshti:

Maheshti asks if she can advertise bellydance festival also. Committee in favour.

8. Past Events:


7. Upcoming Events:

Nothing planned. We need stewards.

Eleanor and Max are in the process of putting together an event – the bid was previously proposed but withdrawn as we lost the hall and then SG announced they are running an event the same weekend so the event will be moved to later in the year.”

If there is a deadline it is recommended that the proposal mention this so that people know to give feedback in time.

Some of us are going to May Crown Tourney in Darton, Sympkyn is planning to drive down.

There is an idea for an event from Annabelle but we need another experienced steward to help her. Single day event with an evening feast, later in the year. Still in the pipelines.

No-one has yet expressed an interest in running the Summer Event. The venue at Hunua has been booked. Ahmed and Maheshti are considering it.

The group needs to commit to paying for the venue even though there is no proposal yet. Sympkyn moves as such, all in favour, motion carried. Will get a “save the date” out ASAP.

8. Other Business:

Gold coin donation to use archery group gear. Already a thing, will start enforcing it.

Discussion on getting a few loaner bows. Revisit in summer/August so that Europe’s season is closing.

Remember if we close a gate at the archery venue to jolly well open it again after. Also turn off taps, and generally leave things the way we find it.

It was proposed that we undertake a working bee at the venue. Eleanor to discuss with Isobell.

9. Confirm date of next meeting: 4th May 2019.

10. Meeting closed at 1.53pm.

~Minutes taken by Elyna

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