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Minutes of the Ildhafn Committee Meeting: 2 March 2019

Submitted by Eleanor Hall on April 5, 2019 - 1:32pm


Minutes dated 2 March 2019

Meeting opened at 1.08pm

Eleanor (Seneschal), Elyna (Chatelaine), Sympkyn (Quartermaster), William de Cameron (Marshall), Maximillian from Southron Gaard.


1. Opening and Welcome: by the Seneschal.

2. Apologies: Elize (Reeve), Christine (Herald), Maheshti (A&S), Ahmed (Archery Marshal), Ludwig (Webminster).

3. Minutes of the previous meeting: Ludwig moved by email to accept minutes, seconded by Sympkyn, vote was in favour, motion carried.

4. Matters Arising from the Minutes:

5. Officer Reports:

Everyone has submitted their quarterly reports, one slightly late but still pretty good. Nice work all. 

6. William re: CF

We had 23 (and then 3 more) camping at Ildhafn

Campsite generally worked well, thanks to all who helped mantle things. Feast gear got used 7/10. Would like to suggest Ed makes some pottery cups to replace the glass ones. Paymentwise about 50% people screwed up their payments but mostly sorted now.

Bakers are paid. I have a receipt for the Sunday lunch stuff and need reimbursement. Original budget was with 15 people in mind but expanded with extra people.

Transport: Ed and Elizabeth took club gear down, Katherina & William took it back. Petrol money to be increased to $60 each. Committee votes to approve the amounts to be reimbursed according to William’s email.

Discussion to clarify cost of the storage container and usage.

Eleanor mentioned the issue brought up last meeting re running CF funds through our account. Max says as SCANZ Treasurer he has no problem with that.

7. Past Events:


8. Upcoming Events:

Nothing planned!

Sympkyn is going to touch base with Hunua Falls re Summer Event.

Would be nice to see a Winter Event happen.

Will put feelers out for stewards.

9. Other Business:

- Goals – will do by email

- Elize is still sorting Kingdom Levy backlog.

- Eleanor to speak to Maerwynn about platters.

- Max: Xero is accounting software, and I want SCANZ to switch to it. It will be easier to admin than current spreadsheets which take a long time to reconcile. Would like to use Ildhafn as a guinea pig. Committee generally agrees that spreadsheets that exist are difficult. Australia seems to have their own methods and if we can work alongside them it would be useful although we won’t copy everything they do. Eleanor says we are probably in favour of being guinea pig.

- It is recommended that we put current funds in a savings account to earn interest. Eleanor will refer this matter to the Reeve.

10. Confirm date of next meeting: 6th April 2019.

11. Meeting closed at 1.48pm.

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