Tuesday Tunes Music session - 30th October 2018
Katherine of Glastonbury, harp
Elyna Delynor, alto rebec and harp
Emily of Ildhafn, soprano recorder
Sympkyn of the Moor, hammered dulcimer
Tunes played:
- Cantiga 278 - still new!
Sheet music HERE. Just learning straight melody for now. Harps have a basic degree of chord structure worked out but an arranged harmony is in the pipeline.
- Cantiga 353 - new to some!
Arrangement available HERE. Dulcimer taking the second line and recorder trialling the third.
- If Ye Love Me (Thomas Tallis)
Sheet music is found in the Snogbook, pages 34 & 35.
Emily on soprano, Sympkyn and Elyna both on alto and Katherine playing the bass line. Sounding heaps better. No metronome needed this time. Elyna to learn the tenor line.
- Il Canario
Quick run through to make sure we remember it.
- Amoroso
Starts on a D, no sharps or flats. Audio to be made available.
Sheet music HERE.
- Black Almain
Sheet music is the Joseph Casazza arrangement, available HERE. Audio can be made available.
***NOTE: Anybody who is not able to make the group sessions but wants to be involved in these musical endeavours PLEASE email me - we can talk about how we can fit things together remotely!
ALSO NOTE: We are going back to weekly practices, and will take the school holidays off.
Email me on music@ildhafn.lochac.sca.org for address.
Newcomers and casual drop-ins are very welcome :)
Elyna Delynor