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March 2010

Submitted by Ildhafn Seneschal on March 30, 2010 - 6:04pm

Ildhafn Council meeting: 29th March 2010
Minutes taken by Shannon Wanty.

Present: Katherine Davies (Seneschal), Shannon Wanty (A&S Officer), Phil Mason (Constable),
Matt Mole (Baron), David Robb (Chronicler), Patrick Bowman
Apologies: Adrian Baxter (Marshall)
Absent: Everyone else.

Officer reports received over the Council List, January 2010:

Seneschal: Nothing yet, will be covered later in the meeting.
Quartermaster: Katherine found the rapier poles, they’re in her shed. They could do with a lick of
paint (David commented that it was just standard white house paint). Matt would like it noted that
he was right.
Constable: As previously
Chronicler: More people seem to be using the web to find our groups (both Cluain and Ildhafn),
especially all the newcomers at St Sebastian’s. He would like all the officers to add a bit of
information about what each of their things is about. He’s happy to upload information if we
forward it through to him. Only include stuff about what’s actually happening, especially current
group activities. Katherine mentioned “Members of the Populace” section – links to websites/blogs,
info about what people are up to.
Herald: Not here.
Rapier Marshall: We have a new rapier marshall – Nicola Haliday (nothing to report yet). Phil
mentioned that she’s started emailing out about rapier practices.

St George’s: An actual bid has now been received on the council list. However, the situation is by
and large unchanged. The deadline was set for a month ago. Phil asked what type of event it was.
Matt commented that historically it has been run by the members of St George under the auspices of
the Shire or the Barony. It has been run previously as an SCA event.

What is the marshalling structure? Matt commented that the assumption is that the members of St
George’s will fulfil this duty. Currently the only two available are Derek and Matt. Either three
marshalls (NOT marshalls in training) are needed, or one marshall who will not be fighting, or two
marshalls who are each fighting but are not fighting each other. Matt is willing to be marshall and
not fight.

Shannon asked if they need any equipment from the barony? Nothing has been heard yet.

The bid will be provisionally accepted pending confirmation by Good Friday of:

Matt as steward supervising Adrian.

Matt and Derek will be acting as marshalls. If no additional marshalls can be found, Matt is
prepared to be marshall for all rounds and not fight.

Katherine will notify council of the outcome.

We have decided that next month’s meeting will run on Sunday the 2nd of May so that it does not
conflict with the potential event, and will stay at this date regardless of the outcome of the bid.

The Bloth: No bids have been received. The Baron and Baroness are thinking of putting in a bid
for a small event in September (to avoid Coronation), of similar format to St Cayetano’s. Katherine
suggested that perhaps this would be an opportunity to have a Tournament of the Roses – better
weather for it! Matt would be happy to consider this. Council would like a bid for this by the July

Crescent Fence: June 2010

Midwinter Coronation 2010 - Angela.

Shannon has asked the Council on the email list for an advance on the feast budget for the people
currently booked ($14 x number of people). Phil has suggested that Shannon be advanced the total
amount for breakeven ($14 x 50 people), Angela, Andrew, and Gary have all said this would be
okay. Gary asks that Shannon please keep receipts and scan them and send them through as soon as
possible so they don’t fade. Council is happy with that.

St Catherine’s Faire: SEEKING BIDS Matt has heard from Chantelle that she is still interested
in putting together a bid for this. Phil thinks it is a big event for her to take on first time round, but
he is happy to help her with this. She may get work that will conflict with this and not being able to
do it, so will probably need to have a drop dead deputy who can take over the event. Katherine and
David will look at putting together a bid if no other bids are received.

Rapier Tournaments: Patrick advised the council that he is intending to submit a bid for a rapier
tournament series scattered throughout the year, which will also aid in training marshalls. He aims
to hold several of them, and for the first one to be on the 23rd of May, but wants to stay flexible
because of the small number of fighters involved and other events occurring. Probably about six
tourneys a year, outside of events. Looking at six people likely to come. Can be made to coincide
with other training.

David has been lined up as Marshall, and has agreed to not participate should there not be any other
Marshalls. Phil and Matt have also volunteered for this. Shannon is willing to learn to run lists for
this. He will submit a bid to the council list this week for approval, with ratification at the council
meeting in April. He will also check with Cornwall Park that they are okay with us holding the
tournaments there, and will find an alternative venue if necessary. Matt suggested doing a rapier
display at the Alexandra Park Farmer’s Market. Patrick will look into this and coordinate with the

Phil commented that it’s a good opportunity for pageantry and heraldic display, also an opportunity
to be seen in public. Patrick says it’s most important to just start the tournament series now, this
can be focused on later once it’s running. The tournaments will not have any sort of cumulative
points system. Winners will be for each individual tourney. He will run all of the tournaments this
year, and will provide an outline for dates in the bid, with firmer dates pending consultation with
the fighters, to be approved by council a month out from the event. He will consult with the rapier
marshall over this. Patrick is to negotiate with stewards of other events for dates, as this is a more
easily flexible event.

David left the meeting at 8.54pm

Heraldic Symposium: Phil is thinking August would be a good time for it, as it would not clash
too much with DA. Phil will be happy to work with the new group herald.

Gilmour’s: Katherine will complete this. Shannon will email her about this.

Group projects: Bea has done her research on the majolica, and is happy to organise this during
Baronial Bash, so how many we get done will depend on manpower. Shannon will get a cheque
from Gary and buy the plates ($1 per plate).

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