Ildhafn Council meeting: 28th February 2010
Minutes taken by Shannon Wanty.
Present: Shannon Wanty (A&S Officer), Phil Whitby (Constable), Matt Mole (Baron), David Robb
(Chronicler), Ange Wells (Chatelaine), Alex Rossiter (Herald)
Apologies: Adrian Baxter (Marshall), Katherine Davies (Seneschal)
Absent: Everyone else.
Officer reports received over the Council List, January 2010:
A&S, Chatelaine, Seneschal, Quartermaster, Marshall, Rapier Marshall
Constable: Nothing to report. Sat down at CF with Bjorn who’d just resigned as Constable CF
to talk about what required in NZ. Look after lost property, organise/coordinate security, fire,
obviously loud etc distraction.
Chronicler: As per quarterly report sent to Katherine and Kingdom. Website continues to attract
Herald: Most as per quarterly report sent to Katherine and Kingdom. Has spoken to Andrew about
succeeding to the position. A final request for applicants will go out tonight. A successor will be
formally announced on the 21st. Phil has the Heraldic library, Katherine has the good tabard.
Canterbury Faire: Ildhafn encampment was good. Having the formal display in court worked
well. How can we improve on this next year?
Upcoming Events:
St George’s: Shannon had received advice from Adrian that he is checking out a site next weekend
and may have details soon after that. Hasn’t been put up on the website yet, as still waiting for a bid
from Baxton.
Heraldic Symposium: Possibly for winter. Phil has been busy.
The Bloth: SEEKING BIDS If this is going to happen, we need bids at next month’s Council
meeting at the latest. Will advertise to the list that we’re seeking bids for mid June to coordinate
with July Coronation and Crescent Fence. Should be low key. Shannon will email this out after
council meeting.
Crescent Fence: June 2010
Report received online from Katherine:
- have amended the schedule within the limits discussed at last
meeting. Will re-work the budget when I return (altering the time we
spend in the Horticultural Society hall is just going to make the
event a little cheaper - no major change) as I foolishly brought it
with me in a file I can't open on this computer.
- have advertised the dates and rough schedule. Will add details to
website when I return on the 8th.
- Amanda (Heloys) has agreed to be bookings officer
Midwinter Coronation 2010 - Angela.
Ange has sent out bookings info to Pegasus but not to Lochac Announce and Althing, she will do
this in this coming week, the first price rise is on the 1st of April.
Shannon is looking for council approval to buy 30 plain white saucers at $1 each that can be used at
Coronation for moulded butter and jellies, and then put into baronial supplies. Matt suggests that we
decorate these with majolica, possibly lymphads. Council approved the spending.
Coronation-related group projects, Matt asks what we’re doing.
Shannon and Katherine are arranging with katherine kerr for her to make banners to our designs
in exchange for some garb. Indoor wall hangings would be good. About A0 size would be good.
Lightweight painted silk. Ideally 20, probably a dozen of different designs would be realistic. What
style do we need now? Phil comments that Westminster Abbey Knights of the Garter have their
heraldic display, Matt says the Dukes de Berry have pictorial. Shannon to check and design. David
and Ange prefers tapestry to heraldry, Ange would like to advertise to the lists that she’s going to
make some dowels for people to display their own heraldic arms, with specific sizing, material type,
and paints. Matt would like to create a standard size for pennants and standards. Phil and Shannon
to organise sizing standards and do banner designs. Phil suggests promoting “do it once, do it
right”. David suggests looking at fabric costs before committing to budget. Ask katherine kerr what
fabrics she prefers, and what cost does she want. Phil suggests up to several hundred dollars seems
reasonable. Shannon to talk to katherine or check her website. Phil suggests subsidising people to
encourage them to get banners done. Phil suggests perhaps $5-10 per person to go towards paint
costs or some such, if they’re going to cost about $20 each to make. Ange can potentially arrange a
banner making day for this.
Matt talked with Constance about hemming napkins. Ange is going out to Otahuhu some time this
week to get the fabric, she’ll email out about this once she has.
Phil suggests contacting Cluain about using their banners from their Coronation for our Coronation,
Ange will contact Trent about this.
St Catherine’s Faire: SEEKING BIDS Ideally we need a bid by next month’s Council meeting.
Possible bid from David and Katherine coming in next month, also possibly a bid from Patrick, and
possibly one from Chantelle.
Gilmour’s: Ange says it’s online, but it needs an account signatory or Chairman. Katherine or Gary
would be the best people for this. They can decide between them who is going to do this and update
us at next Council meeting.
Library: David mentioned library cataloguing. Katherine has done this. Shannon will nudge her
about this to go up online when it goes back, along with links to people’s personal lists.
Helms: Haven’t managed to sell any of them. Two are in Southron Gaard in keeping of
Bartholomew and katherine as there was interest at the time, but no-one had the money on them
then. If they buy them, great, if they don’t, we’ll put them out at next Council meeting.
Group projects: Do we need anything for Crescent Fence? Talk about this online when
Katherine’s back next week. Tentatively some hangings/banners? Emilio lending rapier-themed
ones already. Do we want the list fields done for Crescent Fence and/or St George’s? Andrew was
going to start organising this. We will find out where he’s at on costing etc., or look at reassigning
this if necessary. Southron Gaard ones look really nice from afar, but awful up close – very quick
and dirty, made from pallet wood/crates.
Ange mentioned making the oil lamps, David says Katherine was planning on looking at making
them at St Sebastian’s. She currently has Llewellyn’s from Alex the Potter. If this doesn’t happen,
we can look at getting terracotta/pottery bowls as a stand by.
Newcomers: Alex suggests having information available for newcomers on the website for things
they need to get their kit together. Shannon mentioned Katherine’s shirt handout, David asked if it
could have cost and buying locations added to it. Shannon says that after Coronation and stepping
down as Regalia, she will look at adding this information and making her portion of the website
better set up for this. Phil suggested that all the officers look at doing this for their portions of the
website, including banner information on the heraldry part.
Meeting closed 8.28pm