Notes - 21st November 2016
Sympkyn of the Moor, hammered dulcimer
Katherine of Glastonbury, harp
William de Wyke, various recorders
Emrys Tudor, violin and viola
Yvonne Gywn, tenor and soprano recorder
Katherina Weyssin, tenor and bass recorder
Elena Harper, rebec and bray harp
Tunes played:
- Belle Qui
- Earl of Essex Measures
for warm ups and revision for some, and for practicing doing different things with the repeats. As we were welcoming a new beginner we took these at a sedate pace. The rebec is also a new addition and was largely used to drone. Again some of us test drove the new simplified accompaniments which will be posted to the website as soon as I get my proverbial together. Both tunes sounded nice and Belle Qui particularly had/has the advantage that it doesn't need to go fast at all.
We were aiming to revisit the set of bransles described last week but discovered that some of us haven't played them before ever, so we rewound a bit and had a study session on:
- Scots bransle, and
- Pinagay.
Again both taken at a learning pace while the tunes are still unfamiliar territory to some. The simplified accompaniments to these two haven't been put together yet in sheet form but the chord structure for both is very simple, which allows the option to simply drone the tonic note of each chord behind the melody. Will put on paper soon, plus will notate some harp arrangements that allow for the challenges of a period harp, namely fewer strings and no levers.