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23rd of August

Submitted by Ildhafn Seneschal on September 21, 2015 - 10:29pm

In Attendance: Patrick (Seneschal), Shannon M. (Herald),  David (A&S), Katherine (Web), Amy, Late - Nicola (Chatelaine)

Absent: Nora (Reeve), Nadia (Rapier)

Apologies: Robb (Marshal)

Opened: 7:13

Reports: This month covered by quarterly reports.

Web-wright (Katherine): I promised my Kingdom superior, Dmitri, that I would present report in the form of interpretive dance; David and Patrick are in trouble.

Seneschal / Matters Arising:

I have re-advertise the Reeve position [Alasdair indicates intention to apply - thanks].  Seneschal's next.  I am also giving the group notice that it is likely that will have to relinquish the role of Quatermaster in the not-too-distant future.

Past Events

Auckland Sword & Shield Memorial Tourney (Patrick):  Not one of ours (obviously) but three of us went along and fought.  We had a great time, I think we did the group proud.  I would recommend it to others in future.

Shannon's "Work Do" (Patrick & Katherine): Also not really one of ours, but needs to be mentioned somewhere.  Great value for us given the money and exposure.  They paid students to wash dishes, which might be an idea we should steal.  I have "hired bain marie" in my notes, but I have no idea why.

Upcoming Events

St Caths (Katherine): I intend to submit a proposal for a pot-luck and tourney, probably at St George's, Patrick to run the tourney.

CostumeFest (Patrick): I've been approached -- via Auckland Sword & Shield -- by the organiser of "CostumeFest", a complementary event to AetherCon, to run a table.  Any takers?  [General approval, will continue discussion on List]

Abelard & Eloise (Patrick): Performance at Titirangi - should we attend in garb?

Multicultural Expo (Patrick): I went to the Multicultural expo.  It was mostly dance groups, with performances and static displays.  I thought both dancing and fencing might fit in.  We should consider for next year.



A&S - Al proposes returning to weekly meetings.  Katherine suggests monthly.  David suggests change of name to something more accurate.  Shannon M suggests "Social Sunday".
Action - No schedule change at this point, but make an effort to provide a theme or specific activity for each event (David to lead).


Other Business:

Business cards: Patrick to order more business cards (limit of $100 approved).

Copyright on website (Katherine): Suggested policy - material relevant to the running of the group belongs to the group.  There is greater sensitivity regarding photos than text. 

Action: Katherine to distribute specific copyright, e.g. Creative Commons licences, for discussion.

Closed: 8:00

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