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The event-website is based on the proposal; re-using almost all sub-pages, but with a new summary and menu.

The event-website was published six months before the event.

Booking form

We use a custom version of Ildhafn's standard "large event" form. (Cf. booking form for St Catherine's 2013).

Form features

  • automatic confirmation-of-booking emails
  • automated emails to each member of the stewarding team with the information specific to their role (e.g. name and dietary requirements to the cooks)
  • results are accessible to whole stewarding team, by email, online as table or summary of numbers, or downloadable as spreadsheet
  • if desired, we can give access to people outside our group, e.g
    • allow Kingdom Seneschal or Reeve to trivially check on bookings
    • Crown could be automatically notified when people indicate an intention to enter tournament
    • Crown's chamberlaine can see who's coming and arrange attendants (or we can do this locally)
    • easy to compile list of peers likely to attend meetings, etc
  • automated subscription to the event email list (for announcements from stewards, chore swaps arranging rides etc.)


  • Email lists - Lochac Announce, Althing, local lists in the Crescent Isles
  • Pegasus
  • Website
  • SCA Facebook, G+ etc.
  • word-of-mouth at Canterbury Faire, Festival, etc.

We'll start advertising - lightly - before bookings open.


Stewards: and will reach both stewards and deputy.

Everyone: We've made an email list for event attendees. People will be signed up when they book (unless they opt out). The stewards can easily email all attendees. Attendees can swap chores, arrange rides, ask about local conditions etc.


At least one local phone-number will be advertised in the fortnight before to the event, for last-minute questions and crises ("where is my shuttle?", "help, I'm lost", "my flight was cancelled" etc).

Technical expertise

William is the immediate past Ildhafn webwright (he built the current site), member of the masonry team, and owner of the SCANZ server; Katherina is the current Ildhafn webwright.

Katherina designed the current Ildhafn booking form, and William refined it. Each manages several mailing lists.