July 8th 2012
In attendance: Angela Wells (Seneschal), Shannon Wanty (Reeve), Patrick Bowman (Herald), Nicola Haliday (Marshal), Chantelle Gerrard (A&S Officer)
Apologies: David Robb (Webwright), Wendy Rowsell (Chatelaine)
Absent: Everyone Else
Meeting Opened: 7.45pm
Officer Reports:
Reeve: will update this to Council list, as the Financial Quarterly Report is due at the end of the month.
Webwright: Nothing to report
Herald: Some Baronial awards were given out at the Bloth and he needs to update the website.
A&S: Bloth had a lot of A&S stuff. Chantelle thanked Wendy for suggesting the competition, which was won by Elizabeth Braithwayte. A&S Sunday has been regularly attended by many. The personal projects page on the website is looking cool. There is now a new “music” page option. David has set up a website & list for the CF ball. Chantelle will be preparing for A&S at St Cath’s once Katherine comes back.
Marshall: No-one’s died. Fencing is about to start on Capo Fero, a new person has turned up. Armour from Jardine is going to Cluain as Wilhelm no longer wants to store it.
Chatelaine: Svartr picked up the remaining Gold Key clothing and took it away to sort through and figure out if they want to keep any. She’s said that we don’t want any back.
Past Events:
The Bloth 2012 – Final Report
This event was held on Saturday 23rd June 2012 at St George’s Church Hall, Takapuna.
37 Adults and 2 children booked for the event using our online booking form and we had one late verbal booking from a newcomer. We also had one cancellation in the week before the event, so this evened it out. Total $ amount due for all attendees was $1154.
36 Adults and 2 children attended the event. We had one no-show due to illness. 20 attendees were members and 16 were non-members.
19 people paid by internet banking, totalling $580, before the event and the remainder paid in cash at the door ($543 received). All cash was given to the Reeve on Sunday 1st July for banking. Total amount received so far is $1123.
Sam Blood, the newcomer, was going to pay by internet banking after the event. I don’t know whether payment has been received from him yet. If so, there will be another $32 to be added to the above amount, otherwise we will need to discuss whether we want to chase this up or just wear the cost.
The minor who on the booking form was stated as being 11 years old only paid $10 cash at the door. This was probably due to the booking form for that family being completed by Chantelle who may have got his age wrong.
David and Vanessa didn’t pay the $1 for Jess, but I think we can let this slide
Mel Muckart still paid even though she didn’t attend due to illness (thanks!)
The budget for the feast was $18 per adult and $1 per year of age for each child. As I forgot to tell Shannon about the late cancellation she catered for 38 adults and 2 children at a total cost of $696. She spent $673.29 so came in under budget, yay! Shannon was advanced $642 before the event so only requires reimbursement of $31.29
I had budgeted $30 for miscellaneous items but we only spent $15.03 on rubbish bags and push pins for the banners.
Laundry budget was $40, but it only actually cost $25.
I spent the full budgeted amount of $40 on petrol for transporting the Baronial gear to and from the event.
Katherine Davies needs to be reimbursed $8.58 for the push pins
Wendy Rowsell needs to be reimbursed $71.45 for petrol, laundry, and rubbish bags
I have already given all receipts to the Reeve (except for the laundry as I haven’t picked it up yet)
I would also like to request that Shannon’s full event fee be refunded as I forgot to include this in my bid budget but I think she deserves it!
I still need to arrange the bond refund from St George’s. I will call them this coming week to sort this out.
So, even with one event fee still to be paid we have achieved a profit of $145.68, or $115.68 if we agree to refund Shannon her event fee.
I would like to thank Shannon for cooking a wonderful feast that was enjoyed by all; Angela for running the door and helping me out in my stressful week leading up to the event; my very able set-up crew who knew exactly what to do, which made my evening much easier; and all the performers who did a great job of entertaining the populous. I had a truly enjoyable night, so thank you all very much!
Shannon will check the bank account to see if Sam has paid online since she last checked, and let Wendy know accordingly, and also Patrick who will follow up with Sam if needed.
Shannon will get bank account details from Wendy and set up transactions to herself, Wendy, and Katherine for the reimbursements.
The Council (except for Shannon) is happy to refund Shannon for the event fee of $30, although this should have been included in the original event proposal (which Wendy noted in her report).
Upcoming Events:
History Night: Patrick is happy to run one sometime in September for when Beth from Christchurch is visiting. He’ll put forward a proposal once we’ve confirmed when Beth’s here.
St Cayetano’s: Ange is going to look at putting together a casual St Cayetano’s with Chantelle acting as deputy, looking at October as a date – maybe using the Avondale hall.
General Business:
Library: Al has suggested rethinking the library. It seems like it might be a bit outdated. Most information people are getting these days when they start out is online, and we all tend to share our personal resources. Shannon said that the Compleat Anachronists and Tournaments Illuminated were probably the most useful. Shannon questioned what we see as the future of the library, Patrick said that when we go through it would probably best be decided when we go through it. Ange suggested that everyone spend the next few weeks having a look at the collection, and then actually going through it at the next Big Sunday. Chantelle will lead this.
Group Rules: Patrick has been looking into this. He’s gone through Corpora, Kingdom Rules, SCANZ Financial Policy, Seneschal’s Handbook, SCA Financial Policy. He’s extracted relevant points from those places. He’ll produce a discussion document that will NOT be a draft rules set. There are almost no rules to say how we as a group should function. There are a few minimum requirements. Patrick thinks that we should document what it is we think we do. We also need to think about definitions, for example, “Council” – what is this? What is our function? Do we need to have a meeting every month? This will need to be discussed with the populace, perhaps online via the list or on the forum, and we will also need to present it to the Kingdom Seneschal at some point.
Big A&S Sunday: This concept hasn’t really worked out so far – we need to look at promoting it a bit more, and more in advance. So far it is the same group of people coming, and nothing is really different about it. Ange suggested that we look at doing something a little more formal with it, a bit like Hastilude (but not identical) since this has been such a success in Hamilton. Shannon suggested somewhere the Community Centre where we have dancing on alternate Thursdays. Chantelle suggested perhaps a school hall, and can investigate a couple in Remuera and Takapuna. Ange nominated Chantelle as A&S Officer to plan this and discuss it with Al & Mel, with the intent of trialling one on the first weekend of September.
Extra Quartermaster Gear: Shannon sent through a list of suggestions for kitchen stuff. Everyone else thinks they’re good suggestions and approved it. Shannon will go find out how much stuff costs, come back with a quote and get advanced on it. Ange and everyone would prefer to get quality items that are going to last the group well. Patrick got rid of the rusty plates and needs to update the inventory.
Meeting Closed: 8.46pm