In 1480, in Vincenza, a babe was born . His name was Gaetano dei Conti di Tiene: this child grew to a man , and this man became a Saint, a patron saint to . . . Gamblers.
Please include the following reference if you pay by internet banking
your real (non-SCA) surname+ SC e.g. HalidaySC
The account details are:
SCANZ INC - Ildhafn
Please make cheques payable to
SCANZ INC - Ildhafn
Bring your game boards, your dice and other Implements of Immorality. We will provide a number of games and a simple, hearty tavern supper. The site is discreetly damp, so feel free to bring a bottle or two but please take away your empties. There is a caretaker on site so please take care, and keep the noise level to a minimum in the carpark as you leave.
*Note from the Steward:
This is an adults-and-grown-up-children-only event. That doesn't mean we don't like children, or don't think they're valuable members of the group, but mixing children, alcohol and gambling does not seem like a good idea.