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Frequently asked questions

Submitted by William de Cameron on February 27, 2011 - 8:49pm

Q: I don't have a login, can I post questions?

A: Absolutely. Please post them in the Questions forum, by replying to the "How to post your questions" topic.


Q: But there's this thing that says "Login to post new content in the forum", how can I post questions?

A: That's an artifact of the way the forums have been set up. Anonymous users (i.e. those without a login) can't start new topics, but can reply to existing ones, which is why existing topics have been created for you to be able to reply to. That line is just something the forum software puts there by default.


Q: So can I have a login?

A: Sure, ask William de Cameron to set you up with one.


Q: I posted a reply to a topic without logging in, but it hasn't shown up. Why not?

A: Postings from non-logged in users need to be checked by a moderator before they're published, otherwise these forums would be taken over by spammers in a matter of minutes. The moderation team will get to your posting as soon as possible. 


Q: Can I post a reply as "Zaphod Beeblebrox, King of the Universe", or failing that can I remain as "Anonymous" ?

A: No. Posts need to have your SCA (or real) name associated with them, so we know who you are. After all, if you're asking too many pointed questions about the assassins guild, you might qualify for a special one-way trip to Ynys Fawr, and we need to know where to send the ticket.


Q: Why so many forums, why not just put everything in one forum?

A: This way the answers from each candidate couple are conveniently grouped together, so that it's easy to get a good overview of their thoughts without having to sift through answers interspersed with questions and other commentary.


Q:  Why do questions get posted in one place, and answers somewhere else?

A:  Because each candidate couple has been given their own forum, questions should be posted in the questions forum, so that all candidates see them in one place, and can then answer them. This also means that we avoid duplication of questions, because you can see what everyone else has asked already.

Of course, if an answer is posted that you don't feel goes into enough detail or you'd like to clarify something, feel free to post a reply comment to that answer directly, rather than raising it as a separate question.


Q: I have a login, can I simply start a new question topic?

A: Sure, go for it. Please try and keep posts in the right places, as has (hopefully) been clearly outlined in these answers.


For those who're trying to use the "Request a new password" link on the login page, this only works if you've already got a valid login. If you input your email address and it says that it's not valid, that means you don't have an account yet.