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Royal Visit

Date and Time: 
Saturday, April 30, 2011 - 14:00 to Sunday, May 1, 2011 - 16:00


You can view the list of people who have booked here

Schedule available here

The Barony of Ildhafn* wishes to invite the Populace of Lochac to the Royal Visit of Their Majesties, King Gabriel and Queen Constanzia, on Saturday the 30th of April and Sunday the 1st of May.

During this time, Baron Don Emrys Tudor and The Honourable Baroness Beatrice da Compostella, will be departing their role as Baronial heads of Ildhafn, from which they will be sadly missed.

However, it is with gladness that we will welcome in our new Baron and Baroness, and witness the admission of Mistress Katherina Weyssin to the Order of the Pelican.

As part of the event there will be a feast with entertainment, as well as both heavy and rapier fighting, an Arts and Sciences discussion and the opportunity to enter (and judge) the Baronial Arts and Sciences Championship.

Booking closed Friday 22nd April.

Please include the following reference if you pay by internet banking

your real (non-SCA) surname+ RV e.g. HalidayRV

The account details are:
SCANZ INC - Ildhafn

Please make cheques payable to
SCANZ INC - Ildhafn

*The Barony of Ildhafn covers the upper end of the North Island, with this event will be held just South of the city of Auckland, at Camp Sladdin, Thorp's Quarry Road, Clevedon Village.

**Price includes the feast and all other meals: afternoon tea Saturday, breakfast of porridge and toast, morning tea and lunch on Sunday.

Please send all enquiries to the Steward, Lady Caterine de Vantier, at