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Schedule - Ildhafn Summer Event 2020


Schedule for Ildhafn Summer Event 2020


 Friday the 20th (garb optional)

 Site opens for setup-crew only

 If you're here, you just volunteered.

5:30pm  Site opens for everyone.


 Dinner will also be available throughout the evening for those who arrive on site late. 

8pm - late  Informal revelry - music, catching up, etc.




 8:00am - 9:00am


 10am  Opening Court 



10:30am Class: Compose a simple round, part 1  
 11:00am    Baronial Rapier Championship

During this time morning tea passed around at intervals



 2:00pm     Archery Games
  Fruit, nuts, bread and spreads available by the tea and coffee station



After Feast


 Bonfire and revelry! 



   Inside  Outside
 8:00am-9:00am  Breakfast   
9am  Class: Compose a simple round, pt2  
 10:00am-11:00am  Roman Swords, with Rob the Roman  Heavy Tourney
 noon  Closing court 
12:30pm  Lunch
 1pm  Pack-up begins - all hands on deck!
 3pm  Site closes - all off site by 3pm please


Class description: Compose a simple round, with Mistress Katherina Weyssin

I'll bring music paper, pens, and very simple instructions. You'll need a basic ability to read music (rusty is fine). 
We'll each compose a simple round in a renaissance style.