Ildhafn Council meeting: 2nd May 2010
Minutes taken by Shannon Wanty.
Present: Katherine Davies (Seneschal), Shannon Wanty (A&S Officer), Matt Mole (Baron), Patrick
Bowman (Herald), Nicola Haliday (rapier marshall)
Late: Phil Mason (Constable)
Absent: Everyone else.
Officer reports received over the Council List, April 2010:
Seneschal: Has organised a stewarding team for St Catherine’s Faire, still has to contact Camp
Sladdin re dates; should have bid ready soon. Katherine thinks we should say no to the demo that
Baxton has forwarded to the list, as it clashes with the first weekend of CF so most of us will not be
here or will be too busy organising stuff. Matt suggests we forward it through to the mailing list in
case there is someone who is willing to commit to both doing and running the demo. Katherine will
forward it on to the list.
Quartermaster: Is about to send food supplies to Shannon for Crescent Fence/Coronation prep.
Shannon will do an inventory on receipt, and also prior to return.
Constable: Nothing to report. Has brought herald’s stuff for Patrick.
Chatelaine: One new member has joined rapier, they joined through the website. Plugged SCA to
Herald: No activity, has been requested by Crux to do the Pursuivant Exam, he will do this.
Rapier Marshall: Three people showed up to rapier this week, one on Wednesday, and two this
morning, these two have been doing Capo Fero. Mentioned Crescent Fence to them today, they may
be good to teach a class.
St George’s: Discussed with Derek and Adrian and they decided to run as non-SCA, sounds like it
went well.
Upcoming Events:
Crescent Fence: June 2010 Bookings low but should be good. Katherine will readvertise.
Volunteers for billeting will be good.
Midwinter Coronation 2010: Bookings at 41 to date. Ange will advertise again once May Crown
is over. Everyone seems to be doing their job. We may get more people from SG once they’ve
had their wedding invites. Phil has got an organist, Katherine asked laurels re music, have some
potential music to throw at him. Cornwall Park looking likely for the Sunday.
St Catherine’s Faire: Katherine is putting together a bid for this.
Rapier Tournaments: Tentative date for the second one is the 1st of August. Sounds good.
Matt going to contact the market across the road from Cornwall Park re demos.
Heraldic Symposium:
Gilmour’s: Katherine will complete this. Shannon will email her about this.
Unitec Group: Lachlan is now at Unitec so we can look at getting a group going through here.
Group projects:
Majolica – Shannon needs to get cheque to get plates.
Banners – design underway, will have first few through to katherine kerr soon, may only just make
the half dozen, they’re quite time consuming to design.
Meeting Times: For the duration of the new season of Doctor Who, council meetings will start at
7pm, and finish by 7.29pm.
Meeting closed 7.29pm