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St Sebastians

Date and Time: 
Friday, March 2, 2018 - 16:00 to Sunday, March 4, 2018 - 14:00

Come and join us as we celebrate our 10th anniversary of our annual archery fest held at Braythwayte Manor in Rotorua!

This is a family friendly weekend camp with all sorts of fun things happening; A&S classes, archery games, the annual foot-the-ball contest between Piddlington and Oddlington, easter bunny hunt, music, camp fire, people hitting each other, another of Ed's crazy background games involving all the usual devious shenanigans and challenges (with a beautiful crossbow and set of bolts as the prize!), and then there is St Sebastian's archery contest to decide the Baronial Archery Champion (who will receive a longbow as their prize!) ...and our King  and Queen will be gracing us with Their prescence!

Take me to the booking form!