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September 2010

Submitted by Ildhafn Seneschal on September 30, 2010 - 5:55pm

Barony of Ildhafn Council Meeting
Sunday 26th September 2010

Meeting opened: 7.35pm

In attendance: Katherine Davies (Seneschal), Shannon Wanty (A&S), Phil Mason
(Constable), Patrick Bowman (Herald), Nicola Haliday (Rapier Marshall), David Robb

Apologies: Vanessa Atkins, Matt Mole (Baron), Bea Mole (Baroness),

Absent: Everybody else

Officer Reports:

Chatelaine came in by email.

Chronicler: Website popular. People editing stuff. This is good. Needs to put in place
some stylistic/formatting consistencies so it looks uniform.

Rapier Marshal: Thanks to everyone that’s been doing the journal. Sundays have been
being cancelled due to rain, hopefully will clear up soon.

Herald: Nothing since the last meeting.

A&S: Katherine set up sections on website for Sewing Sunday, Shed Day and Dancing
like what Patrick organised for rapier. Tablet weaving workshop went well, nice format
and good length. Easy to organise.

Seneschal: Bea mentioned a demo possibility for a School Holiday programme. The
woman running it sent through a letter to Katherine, we’re not in a really good position to
do something since it’s a Monday and Tuesday during the day – not a lot of lead up and
bad time of day for most people. Programme is for French-speaking children. Something
that people can do if they want to but not an especially good recruitment option. Their
programme has a medieval theme this year. Katherine will forward the letter to the list.

Thanks to everyone for remaining civilised during recent heated online discussions, has
now been resolved.

Upcoming Events:

St Catherine’s Faire: The bid has been approved between Council meetings. David has
advertised it, Ange is taking bookings.

Twelfth Night: David wants to put in a bid for this. 8th of January at Vanessa’s horse
paddocks during the day on a Saturday. Free event. Fire pit, pot luck dinner, BYO

everything, can camp overnight if people want to. Horses, archery, fire pit. Potential
expenses loo paper and bits and pieces. Long drop on site. Vanessa pays for water
usage, but Vanessa doesn’t bearing this cost as it’s likely to be minimal compared with
normal usage. Plenty of loo paper in the baronial supplies, also rubbish bags etc. Possible
expense is firewood, David is going to try and nab some pallets etc for burning. If not
possible, will be a case of asking people to bring a bit each. Cooking equipment will be
what people can bring – if you don’t have equipment, aim to bring cold food. Probably
better to aim for this anyway, as fire for cooking will need careful planning and other
people may also want to use it. David will manage the fire. We have enough people to
act as marshalls should either heavy or rapier fighting occurs. If the weather’s not good,
the event will just be cancelled. Could potentially reschedule for the next weekend.
David will look into this. David will forward the text to the list tomorrow so that it can be
discussed further. Everyone is happy with this pending seeing the text.

Canterbury Faire: Ildhafn has a group camping site, Katherine will negotiate with Ed
and Raffe about this, but when making bookings Ildhafn is one of the groups on the site
to choose from. Site likely to be either the same as last year, or next to Tui. David and
Vanessa are not going to be taking a horse float. Katherine would like to make a plan
of where tents will be going ahead of the event so that power points, larger and smaller
tents, and communal and private spaces are sorted out ahead of time. Katherine may look
at a couple of other options for getting equipment there, but will probably be a case of
everyone managing their own this year. If there is a group thing going down some of the
Quartermaster’s stuff may go down as well, otherwise everyone may get a banner each
to transport. If tentage was dependant on a truck going let Katherine know in the next
couple of weeks so that she can adjust.

General Business:

Website: Katherine has started setting up a “history of Ildhafn” page that’s not currently
linked to anywhere, good way of involving older members and preserving history. Going
to look at it after Council meeting.

Nicola would like to know what combat stuff people would like to see on that page.
Katherine likes how Nicola is organising this, links to the rules etc is good.

Avoid too much linking to external sites, especially commercial, as they need to be
maintained. If it can be googled in under five minutes then probably doesn’t need to be
on our site. Having useful info about local supplies relevant to us is good.

David has been contacted by “Swords from Spain” – do we want this? Patrick thinks it
would be good to target those people where we do have a history of dealing with them.
David thinks we should prioritise based on local, then Australasian, then further away.
Nicola only wants to post places that we have dealt with. Patrick would like the link to be
circulated so that people can have a look at. Katherine pointed out that a 10% discount on
a sword is quite significant. No automatic free links, deal with case by case.

Keeping suppliers on a separate page but having anchors so that they can be jumped to
from the appropriate subject area.

OP is currently out of date. Has been difficult to maintain on an ongoing basis. Baronial
awards are only tracked locally, so need to be maintained. David is looking at talking
to Fruitbat to see if we can hook into Canon Lore and draw the data directly from it.
Currently this is sorting by subgroup, should be relatively straightforward and will only
leave Baronial Awards to deal with. Either display separately or sit in with Kingdom
Awards. Baronial don’t affect OP so could be kept separate. However, could be a bit
trickier to implement, and maintain. Katherine would like to present them separately,
grouped by awards, e.g. Militia of Ildhafn, Alderman of Ildhafn, instead of presenting as
people’s names with awards next to them. Everyone generally thinks this is something
that would be good for the website. Should also be easier to maintain, and add weight
and value to the awards. David will mock a couple of test pages up so we can see what
we think. Could skip OP and link through to Canon Lore. Canon Lore doesn’t show
temporary changes with Greater Kingdom Officers or Barons and Baronesses. Not hugely
important, but could be useful. This would mean that it would need to be updateable.
Could just have a list of who’s doing what currently (e.g. any GKOs). Could be good to
have brief explanation of what awards in the SCA are and how they function, and what
our local awards are.

David will look at holding a small workshop like the tablet weaving workshop on how to
update the website.

Reeve: Vanessa is going to talk to Gary about formally taking over this role, and look at
doing a court ceremony at some point.

Officer Changeovers in Court: This hasn’t been happening of late, due to lack of
events/court opportunities. Katherine suggested going to once or twice a year for officers
to swear fealty. Patrick thinks that the opportunities have been there if a little tricky to
manage. Patrick thinks we should make a point of doing them. Katherine will approach
Matt & Bea and say that she has discussed this with everyone. Everyone is to talk to Matt
& Bea and say that this is something that is important to them if this is the case. Change
from “fealty” instead to refer to Officers swearing an oath to perform their role.

Meeting closed: 8.28pm

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