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Music Evening - proposal

Description of event

Informal musical evening, potluck food, lots of short performances. Similar to Half Circle Theatre at CF (but with food, some games, some participation pieces), or the Dessert Revel last year (but with more emphasis on music and performances).  The idea is to recreate the environment in which much music was performed before modern concert ettiquette developed, where guests eat, drink, and socialise while listening to music.  Some tables nearer the performance area for those more interested (or participating) in the performances, and tables further away for those who prefer socialising or playing table games while listening to the music in the background.

We'll invite members to bring a plate of finger-food or drink to share, but not ask that of non-members. Encourage everyone to bring a friend who hasn't been to an SCA event, if possible.




Need: catchier name, words.


  • Steward: Yvonne Gwyn
  • Deputy steward: Katherina Weyssin (Katherine Davies)
  • Date: Saturday May 6th
  • Time:
    • site from 5pm-midnight
    • event from 7pm-11pm
  • Location: St John's Church Hall, Northcote (same venue as Bloth in 2016)
  • Price:


Break even of 30 adults.

30 is quite high (15 or 20 would be safe) but not un-achievable.

We'd like to keep the price low, and do our best to get some new faces along. With that in mind, we've set a high break-even, with the intention to scrape a tiny profit or make a small loss. The group doesn't stand to lose much money (less than $150, even if we only got 15 people), and right now we need new faces much more than we need more cash.

Fixed costs (set amount, regardless of how many attend)   Total Fixed costs Per person cost (30 adults)
Site   $210 $7
"Fixed" costs (might as well call it a set amount, because it doesn't change much for 15, 30 or 45 people)      

Misc - lighting, cleaning, loo-paper, rubbish disposal, etc

Transport - contribution to petrol for a carload from quartermaster (Blockhouse Bay) to site and back $20    
Laundry - washing tablecloths and napkins afterwards $20    
Sum of misc, transport, laundry   $60 $2
Per-person costs      
Kingdom Levy     $1
(Event membership)     ($2)
TOTAL     $10  ($12)


  • Adult SCA members: $10
  • Adult event-members: $12
  • Kids:


Through the website as usual, or pay at the door (easier to bring extra people if they can make a last-minute decision). Will need someone to sit at gate.


It won't need all the group gear, but it'll need at least a carload - tablecloths, banners, platters, cleaning gear, carafes, and loaner feast-gear for guests.