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Dessert Revel - proposal

Consisting of Dessert! And Revelry! 

Eat a light dinner before you come. Bring a plate of finger-food or dessert - sweet treats, fruit or cheese are all perfect; a bottle of cordial would also be great. 

The site will open at 7, and kick off properly around 7:30 with a set of games and dances. The rest of the evening will be devoted to music (performances, serious or silly, practiced or impromptu), dancing (again, both serious and silly), board-games, gambling games, and games of unadulterated silliness. There will be a break in the middle for dedicated, concerted eating, with plenty of opportunities for casual eating throughout.

Beware: Mistress Katherina has medieval sources for everything from nose-wriggling competitions to egg-races. Merriment shall prevail, decorum be damned!


  • Steward: Katherina Weyssin
  • Deputy steward: seeking deputy - ideal for someone who'd like to try their hand at a small event
    • [update: Katherine of Glastonbury and Anna de Wilde have volunteered]
  • Date: a Saturday night. I'm looking at these dates (haven't checked venue availability)
    • May 7th
    • May 21st
  • Time:
    • 6:00pm site opens for set-up
    • 7pm site opens for all comers
    • 7:30pm event proper starts
    • 11pm event ends
    • 12am site closes
  • Location: Avondale Lions Hall, 1650 Great North Road, Avondale, Auckland (pending availability)
  • Price: $10 for adult members, $12 adult non-members; children 5-17 years $5, children under 5 free


Break even of 20 adults

  Total Per person
Site  ($25/hour for 6 hours) $150 $7.5

Misc - lighting, cleaning, rubbish disposal, etc

$20 $1.5
Kingdom Levy   $1
TOTAL   $10

Booking options

  1. Book through the website, pay by direct deposit. Booking and payment to be complete by Sunday before the event (29th). 
  2. Just show up, pay in cash. If I haven't confirmed your booking and payment through the website, I'll ask for cash at the door. (Anna has volunteered to run gate)


I won't need a whole lot of stuff - some tablecloths, cleaning box, banners, platters, etc. Since it should all fit in one car-load, I'm happy to collect and return to the quartermaster - no need for extra budget.