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Booking form: Ildhafn Campsite at CF, 2016

Please fill this out by January 7th if you want to camp with the Barony of Ildhafn at Canterbury Faire this year.

This DOES NOT book you for the event itself - do that here.

You need to book separately for in-camp food: the deadline for this is December 20th.

Optional, but handy for updating arrival times, etc.
If you want tent-space in the Ildhafn encampment, please answer "yes". If there are several people sharing a tent ONE only should give details of your tent.
How much space will your tent require? E.g "about 3m by 4m". Please take account of ropes, etc.
List all the people who will be staying in this tent.
Best guess - doesn't have to be exact.

We ask for a contribution towards the cost of: bringing sunshades, tables etc from the North Island; storing shared gear at CF; making and buying new things for the group at CF.


  • camping with Ildhafn, whole week - $20
  • camping with Ildhafn, few days - $10
  • bunking, but treating Ildhafn as your campsite - you choose what seems suitable - probably about $10
  • just visiting - yay! visitors!


Do you have anything in the storage unit you want taken to the campsite? You'll probably have to fetch it yourself, but someone else in the campsite might get it for you if they know you want it, and they're making a trip.
Offers, requests, comments, suggestions?