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Chatelaine 4th quater report 2014

Submitted by Eleanor Hall on November 7, 2014 - 1:02pm
Event Information (incomplete but completed to the best of my ability)
Event Date Newcomers
St Johns of Jerusalem (Canton) 26-28 September 2014 Yes
Labour Weekend Event (Canton) 24-27 October 2014 I believe so
Classes – Directed at Newcomers
Type of Activity Date Feedback
We encourage our newcomers to get involved in all activities and classes at events as well as our weekly fencing, dancing, music, and A&S gatherings.
Promotional Activities Undertaken: Please detail
Our Website is ongoing and is updated on a regular basis
We have been working on our facebook presence and have changed the way it is administered.
Local Media/Publicity received: Please provide copies where possible
Problems or concerns this quarter
We were contacted by a 16 year old who wanted to attend without her parents, although her parents eventually decided that they wanted her to focus on school and not join the SCA it generated discussion on older minors within our groups
Plans for next quarter
We have St Catherine’s faire coming up in the next quarter which we have some new people already booked, this is a royal event and will be the first time some of our newer members will experience formal court within our Barony.

We wind down over Christmas as will resume our usual activities after Canterbury Faire
Other comments
