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A Newe Werk

Submitted by Ildhafn Seneschal on May 29, 2014 - 8:07pm


Paid-up actual card-carrying members
Ildhafn City: 30
Cluain:        22
Barony     = 52

Bank Balance (26/05/2014) $8,213.07
Wine drunk whilst writing this report: Dorrien Estate "The Growers" Barossa Zinfandel 2010


We got May Crown!  Dancing in the streets. Oh the elation!  Oh the crushing burden of responsibility!

The Collegium went well and was attractive to a few new and casual members.  The steward tells me she had many more offers for classes than she could use, so we'll probably look to run another one in six months or so.  The length timing of the schedule was also regarded as successful: people left with brains full, but not dribbling out their ears.

Book Auction: The barony has held for some time a collection of writings imprinted in ink on the preserved remains of dead trees.  These were rarely disturbed.  By means of silent auction, the entirely collection was distributed to interested parties, even to the last pamphlet -- yes, even the outdated conference proceedings in French.

Inter-club co-operation: One of the local "metal weapons" groups contacted us about joining in on one of their regular events.  It seems we do the best catering.  Plenty of scope for mutual benefit -- i.e. doing medieval shit for fun.

Stuff on the website: We're continuing to develop the Ildhafn website as our communal intelligence, freeing up vital brain space for looking at cats on Facebook.  We now have event reports filed online so that future stewards can look at past events and see how many people came and how things actually cost.  Blue Lymphad is keeping her device and name research online, meaning she and others can work on it from anywhere and it's less vulnerable to the mishaps of personal computing.


Collegium (12/04): A day of A&S classes (ungarbed), two streams, very well attended (27 people).  Run by THL Vettoria da Verona.

Library displays (3/05): Part of school holiday program, we did displays for Mt Roskill and Blockhouse Bay public libraries.  Included yours truly rattling around in Don Emrys' beautiful 15th C replica armour, a presentation on 16th women's clothing (so much of it!) and some fencing.  Static displays to finish.  Seemed to go down well with the crowd, but especially well with the librarians.

Sir Inigo has been observed hitting people with rattan sticks in a manner which I am told is legal.  Critical to his continued liberty (experts advise me) is the protective equipment they wear.  It seems Inigo is keen to assist them in their protection so he can go on hitting them.


We seem to have both the enthusiasm and the warm bodies to add another regular activity to our calendar: archery.  I'm particular keen on this as it's an activity that's easy to get into and new people often ask about.  Sir Inigo has organised a shipment of bows and Whatever-it-is-you-call-people-from-the-Royal-Company-of-Archers Emrys has identified an inexpensive source of arrows.

We have a number of newish people around and, having reeled them in we need to -- to quote a previous Kingdom Seneschal -- "fillet them ready for holding offices".  I'll be sending the boys around.

In order to improve reporting and transparency, we've started putting summaries of all the quarterly reports online:


A strange peace has descended upon our fair Barony.  Its quiet.........too quiet.  Actually, no, that's a lie: quiet is just fine.
