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Tuesday: Giganti

Submitted by Ludwig von Rege... on April 22, 2014 - 12:00am

We continued the Giganti curriculum, working through Lessons 6-12 from the Miedema translation.  All of these were plays we had done before, but we reviewed them, at first walking them through, then at speed with masks.

Lesson 6: A takes the inside line.  B disengages. A hits on the outside line in counter-time.

Lesson 7: As above, but with inside/outside lines swapped.

Lesson 8: A takes the inside line, B disengages and hits on the outside line.  Repeat with the lines swapped.

Lesson 9: A takes the inside line, B disengages, A disengages and hits on the inside line.  (I can't reconcile the picture with the text when taken together with that for Lesson 10.  Wrong picture?)

Lesson 10: As above, but with inside/outside swapped.

Lesson 11: A feints a thrust to B's face.  When B parries, A disengages and lunges.  This can be done on both lines.  Important: if B doesn't parry, A's initial thrust is completed.

Lesson 12: B takes the outside line.  A disengages and feints on the inside at B.  As B goes to parry, A disengages back, and thrusts under B's hilt with a pass forward, placing his/her left hand on B's hilt. 

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